Seat belt restoration question

Dec 12, 2017
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Coventry RI
I am in the process of restoring the seat belts and interior on my 68 Fury. I have a few methods to re-dye the black webbing of the seat belts, but was also looking for a way to redo the texture paint on the metal seat belt latches. Has any one done this before or have any suggestions? I was considering using the wrinkle paint used on the air cleaners or some sort of chip guard to get the texture , but wasn't sure if it will look factory.
Dyeing the belts may cause a problem down the line. I've heard of guys doing this and having the dye rub off on their clothes. Good way to really annoy your significant other.

@dart4forte is the go to guy for belts. He might be able to shed some light on it for you.
I´m not the member called by John, but recommend you to swap the seat belts. For sure some shops have the correct material to match the belts you have in the Fury now.
Have you tried washing the belts? Years ago, a Mopar club member took the belts (red) out of a Charger he had at the time. Secured them and wrapped each one in a bath towel (with string around it tightly). He put it in the washer with a quality detergent. Although the belts were wrapped around the buckle, they were uniformly clean and were the correct color of red. We were all shocked how good they looked! Especially being bound up as he said they were.

Some hardware stores might have the webbing, with the correct number of sections, but getting it sewn would be the issue.

Not being familiar with the particular buckles and their paint, I would suspect the pattern is embossed in the metal and then painted. For a better consistency of the pattern and paint. At the least, you can clean the coating off and re-do it later. Pictures?

Just some thoughts,
Not being familiar with the particular buckles and their paint, I would suspect the pattern is embossed in the metal and then painted. For a better consistency of the pattern and paint. At the least, you can clean the coating off and re-do it later. Pictures?

Here is a picture of it. When I bought the car, the belts had been buried in the seats for years. I just got my new upholstery and carpers in today and wanted to do something with the seat belts while I have the interior out.

Seat Belt.jpg
Am I seeing things or is that pattern stamped into the metal?
i just soak the belts (not the buckles) in a pail of warm water and laundry soap for a day or so. use a scrub brush a few times. you'll be surprised how much dirt comes out of them and how supple they become.
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Some of the '60s literature advocated to wash the webbing every year or so to get the embedded dirt out. So it didn't abrade the webbing and render it weaker or compromised. The webbing's strength specs were for new webbing, not dirty/abraded condition. Past that, replacement every couple of years. Never did know of anybody following that for the tight-woven OEM factory webbing, though.

I’m the John guy. There’s several options to consider.

You can wash your webbing and re-dye however be prepared for the dye to bleed. Once it’s on your clothes you won’t get it out.

You could throw the belts in the washing machine. Just bundle up the metal hardware with some old socks to keep the buckle from beating your washer. Then let the belts air dry. Caution, the internal metal parts in the buckles will rust.

Washing either by hand or the method above will get you by however the material will dry out the you are dealing with stiff webbing. The above methods are good for a quick visual fix if you are selling the car.

Of course we sell restored belts and there are several options there. Don’t want to throw the sales pitch out here so PM me if interested.
the material won't dry out. it's the dirt that causes the stiffness.
Here is a picture of it. When I bought the car, the belts had been buried in the seats for years. I just got my new upholstery and carpers in today and wanted to do something with the seat belts while I have the interior out.

View attachment 239008
Hello! Ah those Damn seat belt buckles! I took my 1968 Polara Coupe buckles over to my bench buffer and polished that crap off to a nice bright hue. You even get to see the pattern. Hit it with clear coat DONE!
the material won't dry out. it's the dirt that causes the stiffness.

The material shrinks

We have a process to keep the webbing pliable without using water. We use this process on cores we get that are too nice to disassemble.
The rear belts in my GTO conv had been tucked under the seat for years. Fortunately they were not sun faded, but they were dirty and stained. Probably from years of spilled slurpees and beer. I soaked them in a bucket filled with Simple Green diluted about 50%. Very light scrubbing afterward, rinse with a garden hose and air dry. Light oil on the retractors and buckles, good as new.