Seeking info on parts interchange on 1964/1965 fury convertibles


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FCBO Gold Member
Feb 10, 2014
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I am helping a friend source parts for his 1965 fury convertible. He needs some of the front windshield upper convertible stainless steel molding. I have access to a 1964 fury convertible, will the trim from the 1964 fit on the 1965. Next question, will trunk hinges from a 1965 fury hardtop, work on a 1965 fury convertible? Are all trunk hinges the same on all 1965 fury’s. I have access to a 1965 fury 2 door car and a 4 door car, will either of those trunk hinges work on the 1965 fury convertible. Thanks
I doubt any of your wishes are matches.

64 fury fury is a b body, 65 fury is a c body, bigger car in every measure.

converts usually had different trunk hinges.
Thanks for your help and information. Strange that a car car model “ Fury” went from a B body to a C body.
Strange that a car car model “ Fury” went from a B body to a C body.
Well... The Dodge Dart started as this in 1960


Went to a B-Body in 1962


Then to an A-Body in 1963

The bolt-on hinge parts and perhaps the torsion bars are the same on all 65 Fury but the welded-in brackets are unique to convertibles. A picture of exactly what's needed would clarify.
I appreciate all the information and knowledge. Thanks all
The bolt-on hinge parts and perhaps the torsion bars are the same on all 65 Fury but the welded-in brackets are unique to convertibles. A picture of exactly what's needed would clarify.
I am helping a friend in California get parts for his 1965 fury convertible.
Thanks for your help and information. Strange that a car car model “ Fury” went from a B body to a C body.
Why do you think that's strange? Remember the slogan "Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes"? Plymouths were full size in 1961, downsized in 1962 much to the chagrin of the dealers, and it took Chrysler three years (which is a common development time) to come up with a new full size Plymouth.
I am helping a friend source parts for his 1965 fury convertible. He needs some of the front windshield upper convertible stainless steel molding. I have access to a 1964 fury convertible, will the trim from the 1964 fit on the 1965. Next question, will trunk hinges from a 1965 fury hardtop, work on a 1965 fury convertible? Are all trunk hinges the same on all 1965 fury’s. I have access to a 1965 fury 2 door car and a 4 door car, will either of those trunk hinges work on the 1965 fury convertible. Thanks
Two things: Find yourself a junk yard that's been around since the ark landed and ask to see their Hollander Interchange Manuals. If you can't find such a yard, check ebay. They show up there regularly. Off hand, I'd say you'd find more parts from a '66 that would help. You're certainly not going to find much from a '64 that will swap over.
Off hand, I'd say you'd find more parts from a '66 that would help. You're certainly not going to find much from a '64 that will swap over.
Agreed that 66 is a better match than 64 for body parts, but there are a TON of differences between 65 and 66 too.
64 would be a better choice for some things like door locks, console, armrests, though.

If the guy in CA isn't fully familiar with the 65 Fury, each and every part would need to be verified for interchange.
LOTS of 1-year parts. Even though the dashboard is nearly identical, the plastic bezels to left and right of the steering wheel differ between 65 and 66.
And the 65 gas tank is 1 year only, Fury only.
'65-6 Ply trunk hinge is 2526604-5 for all except convertible, and 2482482 for the convertible, so, not only do they look to be different, but, the non-convertible hinges are left and right specific. The Dodge C-bodies those years are different too, both convertible and non.