Selling on ebay


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Northern California
I have friend who has some 4000+ listings on eBay.
He has a eBay store.
That’s all he does for a living.
He tells me he does quite well.
I will wholesale him stuff to list once in awhile.

I was thinking of getting a eBay store myself as I have much to sell. I hear lots of complaints about eBay lately. What are your guys opinions of eBay currently?
Is it worthwhile to sell there?
I don’t ever want to join Facebook and Craigslist is full scammers?
I've bought a lot on eBay with very good results. We used to buy used equipment for work all the time there.... and even stuff for repair parts for one of our customers.

I've done some selling too. The best bet is to describe as completely as possible and post a ton of pictures. I've really only had one person with a problem.. and that was that they didn't read the description close enough, and to their defense, I didn't know enough about it. I just gave them their money back and told them to keep it (it was cheap).

My advice is to try it with "buy it now" and "best offer" options. Keep it simple and cheap until you get comfortable with it. The fees are a little pricey and that's made some folks shy away, but I think it's still a much better platform for sales over Craigslist and Facebook.
Ebay is by far the best and most secure way to buy and sell online. I started a retirement business 10 years ago buying and selling collectible automobilia there and it works very well. If you plan to sell a lot and keep at it you need to treat it as a real business, create an LLC and follow all the rules. Ebay will report all your sales to the IRS so plan to keep records and pay your taxes. Most people who complain about Ebay do not want to follow the rules and pay the fees but if you do your research and know what you are getting into it will work well for you.
I started a retirement business 10 years ago buying and selling collectible automobilia there and it works very well.
You have me curious... I think I bought some stuff that came from McKinney, TX. What is your eBay name?
Ebay selling is a good place to begin online sales. Customers can find your items via the Ebay platform. You will benefit by being visible through Ebay. Other alternatives are Amazon and a few others, but there will always be a fee of some sort. You can always create your own website, but you will need to be secure, very secure. The benefit of major portals like Ebay and Amazon is that you get visibility and security so you can just concentrate on sales. Things will likely start out slow, but if you hang in there, it can be very profitable.
Ebay has tried to mirror Amazon's customer service policies. That said they are VERY customer biased. The seller must return the customer their money, even if you get a microwave (that is broken) instead of what you sold them. Read ALL the fine print. ALL of it. Keep on top of the BS emails. Enjoy not having a voice when **** goes sideways. They won't be on your side.
The last time I sold something on eBay I felt like I was mugged. I’ll buy occasionally but never again will I sell.
What do you make of these kinds of eBay listings?
Where there is a overpriced that will never sell part listed with pics of everything else on car.
Sorta leading you to look up user name and find business and purchase other parts?


Lot of this going on unfortunately. He is breaking Ebay rules by rather obviously hiding his phone number in the description, surprised they have not shut him down.
Lot of this going on unfortunately. He is breaking Ebay rules by rather obviously hiding his phone number in the description, surprised they have not shut him down.
Perhaps I should not have posted that! My intention is not to get him busted but to point out a way to beat the system! I see these types of ads all over eBay
When I had to hang up my greasy overalls for good, the idea of having to deal with advertising, answering stupid questions, packing, shipping, getting my pocket picked by eBay and PayPal, and dealings with scammers.....
I couldn't deal with it. I literally gave my stuff away. It was all nickel a dime stuff mostly so it was worth not dealing with ebay.
I like buying on ebay i feel in security. Big problem are shipping costs, honestly, US guys, you are ripping us, european fellows. I saw 1 fuel gauge for 60$ with 107$ of shipping costs !!!
Haven't bought off of ebay in several years. Definitely haven't sold there in a LONG time, perhaps ten years or more. Selling online had go to to be a real chore. I ran a set of wheels on faceplant marketfukk a while back. Couldn't believe the morons, scammers, and just plain dumbasses out there that reply. "Can you deliver to..." Hell, no! You come to me. "Is shipping included?" Dumbass, read the friggin' ad! These are steel wheels, so NO shipping!!! Stupid **** like that.
I like buying on ebay i feel in security. Big problem are shipping costs, honestly, US guys, you are ripping us, european fellows. I saw 1 fuel gauge for 60$ with 107$ of shipping costs !!!

That happens here, as well. Got quoted $77.00 for shipping a speedometer to me, and it was 250 miles away. I just drove to the seller and picked it up, instead.
I bought and sold stuff on ebay, lots of car and motorcycle parts, I sold misc stuff that was saved from the landfilll, everything I listed sold. They used to leave it up to the buyer/seller to work out the payment details so that people could for example send me a money order if we agreed on that. Then they changed the rules and everyone had to use PayPal and the sales dropped off. It was obvious that there are alot of people who didn't want to use PayPal and didn't. Then more recently they changed the rules again and wanted my bank account routing no. Thats when I quit ebay which sucks cause I don't do facebook or any of that social media waste of time stuff and I've got stuff to sell. CL is a pain cause sooo many scammers and jokers. I just now heard the 11:00 news a guy was shot in Lansing tonite when he met 2 men in a parking lot to do a CL sale turned out to be robbery so F that. The only problem I ever had with ebay was their own rules. I think it was better when they just ran the auctions and it was simple. I'm not giving my routing no to anyone.
Yes the new Ebay managed payments plan does require you to supply them with a bank routing and account number. If you want to sell there it is very simple to just open a dedicated checking account in which you maintain a small balance just for this purpose. Giving them this information does not risk any other accounts you currently have.
I've bought a lot on eBay with very good results. We used to buy used equipment for work all the time there.... and even stuff for repair parts for one of our customers.

I've done some selling too. The best bet is to describe as completely as possible and post a ton of pictures. I've really only had one person with a problem.. and that was that they didn't read the description close enough, and to their defense, I didn't know enough about it. I just gave them their money back and told them to keep it (it was cheap).

My advice is to try it with "buy it now" and "best offer" options. Keep it simple and cheap until you get comfortable with it. The fees are a little pricey and that's made some folks shy away, but I think it's still a much better platform for sales over Craigslist and Facebook.
I've had a couple of bad experiences on Ebay. The worst was ordering a carburetor and the photos looked great, but when it arrived it was rusted and unusable.