Shhhh.... I'm hunting chipmunks!

furyus 67

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Flint Michigan
Just thought I'd share my Thursday morning. I am on the tail end of a chipmunk infestation! Little rodents have tunneled near my foundation and gotten in the masonry of my fireplace. So now I'm actively hunting the little pukes!!!

This is why we need diversity of natural wildlife. Foxes and a Coyote or two would have prevented that.

I don't know Stan. The fox's, coyote's and chipmunks seem to live in harmony around here. The best chipmunk prevention critter I had was an 18 year old cat that recently passed away.
I don't know Stan. The fox's, coyote's and chipmunks seem to live in harmony around here. The best chipmunk prevention critter I had was an 18 year old cat that recently passed away.
I kinda get the same thing around here. We have both fox and coyote around me and the chipmunks are or were up in numbers. I've gotten 5 or 6 this summer and I'm still plucking them off. If the little f$ks would stay away from my house I'd let them be, but nooo!
rat traps work great I kill the pukes all the time
Careful for what you wish for....

The Proving Ground restricted area had a massive problem with ground hogs. They introduced coyotes and now the coyotes are totally out of control.
foxes and coyotes? you're doing it all wrong, what you need is some hawks living in your area
What about a hawk or owl figure in the yard? I know birds wont come near the place with one of these out front.
I am glad we dont have pests like this in Australia! :eek:s_dancing2: