Shhhh.... I'm hunting chipmunks!

You can put dryer sheets in the car to keep rodents out, when sitting for long times. In the barn put a 5 gallon bucket half full of water. Take a bottle cap and put some peanut butter on it and float it in the water. They are very goal oriented and can't swim forever.
Mmmmmm. Not a bad idea!!Another water trick is to fill a 5 gallon bucket with water ,poor the same black bird seed over the top, they jump in thinking the it's solid ground . I tried that earlier in the year and drowned 2 squirrels. My quarrel is not with the squirrel so 86ed that method. For the just might work tho!!
My quarrel is not with the squirrel so 86ed that method.

Thanks dude, much appreciated!! Want some candy?

reese's time.jpg
What I've been doing is putting 2/3 bait piles of black bird seed in the back yard. I lay the bird seed on something of a lighter color like cardboard or plywood so I can see the little shits better . I then climb on my roof and wait. So far this summer I'm up to 5/6. Keeps me sharp too. I can hit a chipmunk at 30yds with iron sights on my old Henry lever action .22!

You're a darn fine shot to be picking them off at 30 yards with iron sights. My Henry is set up with peeps. I got over a dozen of them in the last week.