Since we were talking about Marauders...

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"No matter where you go, there you are".
Firesign Theater

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more Charlie Daniels... Look where you're going remember where you've been, that's the way I see it I'm a simple man.....
Look where you're going.
Know where you are.
Remember where you've been.
Sorry. You can't do all three. You're only allowed to do two. You pick which two...

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I saw that phrase on a star fleet warp drive engine schematic some time ago.

Seriously, now...
You were reading a star fleet warp drive engine schematic....

It's nothing that Roosevelt didn't have planned until WW II inconveniently interrupted him. We were, unfortunately, saved by war. That's what's going to happen again. And I don't want to be around for it.
Think about it. Every liberal period in our history was ended by our involvent in a major war. Between the Middle East and N. Korea, we're F****d. It's going to be China that rescues us the next time because we owe them so much money.

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China is no friend of the U.S. and never will be. If you haven't noticed we have thousands of U.S. Marines on the ground in Australia. They aren't there to play rugby and drink beer. It's part of our strategy and prepositioning for the next big fight......with China. There is an aircraft carrier and other Navy assets constantly in that area. Iran, China, N. Korea, new axis powers of WWIII. Hopefully not in my lifetime.
China is no friend of the U.S. and never will be.
I never said they were. They simply look at us as a financial and technical resource to exploit. And they are not going to let that go without a fight. No different than us aiding and abetting the corrupt Saudis to keep the oil flowing and to let us maintain a presence in the Middle East. They lie and we swear by it. They consider us no friend but the mutual wink-wink, nudge-nudge lulls the American people to think they are on our side.
I don't why we just don't go after the oil resources we have in North America......we don't need Saudi oil. Saudi's are the most corrupt fxxxxxx on the planet. The oil can safely harvested without drilling through Bambi's head in Alaska. Their plenty of oil in the Gulf of Mexico too. Just need responsible (greedy) oil companies and government approval to harvest the oil without f*cking up the environment.
I think like all good gurus, he has a folder full of non-sense imagery and pics so as to dispense his wide knowledge upon us with. Years down the road we'll unintentionally discover the meanings and have an epiphany.
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