small block exhaust manifold bolts and gaskets

anyone know the collector hole diameter of the standart cast iron manifold for a smallblock? I need to order an additional gasket for that an i see them in a bunch of different sizes. Forgot to measure when I had it all apart *facepalm*. If you look at my pic, the heatriser is sandwiched inbetween an there is no gasket between the manifold and heatriser thingy. With the engine running I can hear sort of a "puff puff puff" sound coming from that area!

Seem to remember mainly on GM heat risers that here was no gasket, just a machine flat surface. This was done to make the heat riser easier to replace as it didn't require R&R of the exhaust manifold. But then you had 3 studs to deal with and depending on the application how much fun it was to R&R the rusted studs.
I quickly learned that R&R the exhaust manifold was the fastest and easiest way to deal with the crap quality studs.

Just take your heat riser assembly down to a good parts store (NAPA) and they should be able to match something up. Or measure what you need and use a online catalog for a part number and impress the counter guy with that.
If you find a heat resistant gasket and feel comfortable with it, go for it, if not get out the 3M catalog as I'm sure they have some kind of high heat sealant for a application like this.