Normally, we average a touch over 10' per season and by now, we would have gotten about 6'. Traditionally, Syracuse has had the most snowfall of any large city in the US, but that isn't gong to happen this year as Winter has passed us by (so far). We've only gotten a little over 2' this season.
So, my lawn is green in spots with today's 40 degree weather and my cars are tucked away in my garage, so I decided I'd go back to the blizzard of 1966 for a couple pics.
This pic was taken not too far from where I grew up. I think we actually had a couple days off from school....
EDIT: Just realized that this storm was 56 years ago this week.
Here's a video from 2017 of a Syracuse snow plow driver. He whines a lot about parked cars and I saw the unedited version where he was running stop signs and really moving. They cleaned this one up.
BTW, Syracuse had the record for the largest single blade snowplow. 32' across and is used for plowing the airport. I don't know if that record still holds or not.