Some People


Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
I seem to attract two kinds of people those who are truly goodhearted individuals and two faced sacks of well....(when your doing things for them, when your giving them stuff, they think your great, the minute you stop kissing there arrogant ***..well.......) My car is a basket case, but it's my basket case, some people, seem to continuously keep shoving that in my face like there better then me, this is slowly aggravating me and making me loose interest in my car, I mean I own it to bring me enjoyment, there turning my fun into aggravation, I've been working out of spite lately on the Plymouth and it shows, things are done sloppy and with the get it on the road worry about it later thought, that's not me, I've considered selling it lately a few times, it's been rough.

This is me venting and has not been a ploy for attention or sympathy, I just needed to get it off my chest to fellow automotive enthusiasts.
Don't give're doing a GREAT job and the satisfaction of starting it up and driving down the road just gets closer every day!!!!

I remember your early posts and all I could think of at the time was this guy is going to need all the help he can. Yep, I had my doubts, but somehow you and this car were different. If you let me down now I'll have to kick your butt.
I had projects that I got in over my head on and bailed. To this day I haven't forgiven myself for going that route.
I've learned to say, I don't do drugs, I don't gamble, Im not a drunk, Im good to my wife and I mind my own business to the point my neighbors have been deluded into thinking I'm the nicest guy in the world. So let me have my one vice, my car, and I'll promise you I won't be the next psycho to go ballistic with an assault rifle.
Don't give up.

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Sorting out the good people from the bad will be the best thing that you can do throughout your life. When someone shows you that they are users, manipulators or liars, don't waste your time with them, as it will always come back and bite you in the ***.

There is a saying that I like, and Stan has posted it here within a mix of things some time back...

Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.

Definitely don't give up but if you need to step away from it don't do it for too long because they can be hard to get back to. Just put the blinders on, stay focused and always have pride in your craftsmanship.
Dude, don't sweat those idiots. I get the same thing sometimes. "What, it's not 1 of 1?? Why are you wasting your time"?? I hear that a lot. Do not empower them. The Plymouth is worth every second and every penny you spend on it -- because its yours.
of course it is financially stupid to rebuilt your car. Straight and honest.
But you are not alone. I wastet a lot of money (exspecially C-Bodys). But most of them (unfortunatly not all) paid back to me. In fun, not money.

I am sure you know that already. So "live" with these facts and have fun. Or stop it and buy a done car
What we do is not based on smart economics or what others consider common sense. We spend long hours working on something that others would walk away from. We comb ads looking for the smallest of parts in just the right condition and will travel hours if needed just to get those parts once found. We go through life looking for something that we can put "our" name on and enjoy. Its not as boring as stamp collecting nor does it promise financial rewards and much of the time what we do only makes sense to us but, "Its what we do because we love the final result". Its one thing to give up on a project because you have to but is another thing to give up on one because others have forced you to. Stick with it if its your choice and don't look back.
we are all psychos because of our c-body illness. Go ask the doctor
Vent when ever you need too, we all understand. I had a similar experience with my first project car. People like that are idiots and they are hurtful whether you know them well or if they are complete strangers making a rude comment about the condition of your car. You can see the big picture they just can't.

By the way my wife and I visited Ontario a few years back and had a wonderful time. I still remember, however, the speeding signs that told me of some huge fine I would pay for X over the speed limit. It worked on me I did not speed.
You can't quit, you're not wired for quitting. Nobody who works on a car, during winter in ******* Canada in a little tent deal, quits. No chance.
You can't quit, you're not wired for quitting. Nobody who works on a car, during winter in ******* Canada in a little tent deal, quits. No chance.

lmao. That's the best argument I've heard yet.

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I appreciate it guys, It just wouldn't leave my mind lastnight and was bugging the hell out of me, Ross brought up a good point, to put it in few words, I'm a stubborn prick, there isn't much that stops me, and I talked to a good friend of mine today, we actually had lunch together, he's the one with the Rodded '47 Stude pickup, he had similar problems with people, they all had a problem with him and the truck, now he has a 550 HP on Pump gas '47 Stude that'll lay a set of lines for 5 blocks as it goes threw all the gears, he told me he has a list, what he calls the "Line lock list", I believe it, I like the idea, just will have to get me some extra tires, part that really got to me is that the person doing most of the mouth shooting claims to love C bodies........................I call BS, I call Elephant who ate at Taco bell BS on that.

I appreciate what you guys do and I appreciate the amount of help that you have been to me, I also appreciate the support you've given my project, now it's time to show these *** holes what My car can become.

Got my eastwood catalogue today and have a paycheck coming on Friday, Will be picking up my 340 heads on Sunday, and will be placing an order with Summit on Monday.

I've found my motivation again,

Thanks guys.
