Some People

Found this on Eastwoods Website:

(6) Why do you want to restore a car?
Restoring an older automobile to get it back to its former glory and on the road again, is truly a labor of love and can be great fun. You need to remind yourself of this every time you come up against a nut that won’t budge or find that apart needs to be fabricated.
You can't quit, you're not wired for quitting. Nobody who works on a car, during winter in ******* Canada in a little tent deal, quits. No chance.

lmao. That's the best argument I've heard yet.

< Sent from my tablet >

I appreciate it guys, It just wouldn't leave my mind lastnight and was bugging the hell out of me, Ross brought up a good point, to put it in few words, I'm a stubborn prick, there isn't much that stops me, and I talked to a good friend of mine today, we actually had lunch together, he's the one with the Rodded '47 Stude pickup, he had similar problems with people, they all had a problem with him and the truck, now he has a 550 HP on Pump gas '47 Stude that'll lay a set of lines for 5 blocks as it goes threw all the gears, he told me he has a list, what he calls the "Line lock list", I believe it, I like the idea, just will have to get me some extra tires, part that really got to me is that the person doing most of the mouth shooting claims to love C bodies........................I call BS, I call Elephant who ate at Taco bell BS on that.

I appreciate what you guys do and I appreciate the amount of help that you have been to me, I also appreciate the support you've given my project, now it's time to show these *** holes what My car can become.

Got my eastwood catalogue today and have a paycheck coming on Friday, Will be picking up my 340 heads on Sunday, and will be placing an order with Summit on Monday.

I've found my motivation again,

Thanks guys.


I love the "Line Lock List" quote...........that's cool!!! :thumbsup: