Something men of liberal or conservative bents likely will agree on...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Clawson (Detroit suburb), MI
Okay, woo-hoo! Let's stir the pot some...
Actually, I think there are a lot of things most thoughtful Americans can agree on--whatever their voting tendencies: The Bill of Rights, for example. But no matter how much vitriol we fling around here, there's another place I believe most of the guys on this forum will stand on in unity.

Read the article I linked here and my response to it. If you don't agree with my response, hey, I won't go snowflake on ya. But I'm betting whatever your political persuasion, you will dislike this lady's column as much as I did.

Okay, woo-hoo! Let's stir the pot some...
Actually, I think there are a lot of things most thoughtful Americans can agree on--whatever their voting tendencies: The Bill of Rights, for example. But no matter how much vitriol we fling around here, there's another place I believe most of the guys on this forum will stand on in unity.

Read the article I linked here and my response to it. If you don't agree with my response, hey, I won't go snowflake on ya. But I'm betting whatever your political persuasion, you will dislike this lady's column as much as I did.

A couple of observations:

1.) The lady is confused, there is no reason she can't be feminine and successful.
2.) It seems to be that she has arrived at that time of the month.
3.) Her vibrator needs new batteries.
4.) She does not seem to realize that if if there is too much on her plate, simplify things and go for quality of life. To have a good life, no one needs to overload themselves. Success is whatever makes one truly happy, it is not about promotions, money or fame.

If she is a young person, she would be surrounded by millennial males, in that context, it all makes sense, lol.
I only read about 3 paragraphs worth and said screw this, I'm not wastin my time on her! The bitches wanted equal rights and now their pussies hurt because of it, they can go play with a cucumber and screw themselves! **** em!
Not to keep sounding the drum, but I hope you checked out my reply. I don't have all the answers, but I know big problems when I see them. To me, there is no single greater problem in this country than single parenthood.