Something You Don't See Everyday?


Active Member
Jul 20, 2015
Reaction score
Gum Spring, VA
Had to run a part for the Imp over to the shop this morning. As I headed down Rt 234 near my house, I saw what looked like an old, not-roadworthy Mopar sitting next to the highway. For those not familiar with northern VA, 234 is considered one of the busiest roads in northern VA as a lot use it to bypass I-95/495 DC traffic. Needless to say, it's a busy road and not somewhere you'd want to leave your vehicle for any length of time.

On the way back, sure enough - there it was, about 500 ft from the turn to my street, right near where the Imperial was dumped into a tree. It had a 1987 Alabama plate on it, a roll of foam inside and other stuff that looked like maybe a homeless person was living in it - but no one was around and the plates were 32 yrs old.

I would've sooner expected to see an albino squirrel crossing the road?

This weeks episode of motor trends road kill
Interesting, that’s my favorite Dodge. I wonder if it was being trailered and something happened to the trailer.
With the glare off the windshield, it almost looks like the rear bumper is held on with duck tape.
A sick April Fool's joke?

I am not referring to the OP.
Needless to say, it's a busy road and not somewhere you'd want to leave your vehicle for any length of time.

Definitely not a good idea to leave it on that road....especially without a note or something. Surprised Prince William county hasn't towed it away by now.
Just got back from picking up the offspring at school. It was gone, likely before I left to get her. Definitely not an April Fool's joke, although my mental state remains a mystery.

As Paul Harvey used to say, "And now....the REST of the story..."

If you look at the first photo closely, you'll note an Asian cookie-cutter car in frame just to the right of the Charger. There were two guys sitting in this car who got out when I stopped. I drive a 2013 Interceptor Utility which concerned them, as a county mountie had stopped when I was driving by originally. They came over and after I assured them I was just a car guy stopping to get a look, they were relieved and said "We thought - oh, great - another cop".

Turns out one of the guys bought the car and had it delivered via some commerical car hauler service. Unfortunately, he lives down the road to the right, which is far too narrow and twisty for a large truck to negotiate. So they had to unload it beside the highway then call a flatbed to come haul it the rest of the way. They were still waiting for the flatbed at this point.

The irony is - this is almost exactly where my Imperial was unloaded into a tree 2 years ago(because the truck couldn't get down our street). If you take the right turn, there's a dirt/grass parking area on the right where my hauler backed in and unloaded the car. Knowing how it went, I'm really glad he didn't try to do so on the road!

Two red Mopars that had both been off the road for 30+ years dumped in nearly the same spot about two years apart. At least his didn't get rolled into a tree.

And a pretty cool site to see on Rt 234 or anywhere, for that matter.
It's gonna take a heap of work to get that car where it can get them in a heap of trouble . . . unless code enforcement gets involved. LOL I wish them well in their ventures!
