Spring forward!

Car Nut

Active Member
Aug 27, 2014
Reaction score
Old West
Can we be done with this joke once and for all. Rumor is there is an attempt to get this on the Ballot in California.


DST is FN stupid!

The farmers don't even want it anymore! I have a few neighbors that farm and they tell me that their cows don't know and don't care about DST!
Makes it easier for me to blind side into my driveway when I get home late. Makes it harder to go to sleep at 8 pm from May till Sept.
I don't get up until 7 am. So this will give me an 1-1 1/2 hours of light when I get home to do things outdoors. Work in the yard and work on cars.
Great, programming the f'ing timeclock takes at least three tries. Getting the ladder out to reset the clocks on the walls. Figuring which combination of buttons to press and hold to reprogram the car clocks. DST sucks. When I was a power plant operator it was worse, much much worse. We had charts to reset, lots and lots of charts. Who ever came up with that idea and actually got it passed, should have been horse whipped.
What's not to like? By The start of summer the sun is coming up at 520 am and the last rays are over the horizon at 945 pm.... makes for much better cruising time and more productive time.
What's not to like? By The start of summer the sun is coming up at 520 am and the last rays are over the horizon at 945 pm.... makes for much better cruising time and more productive time.

Let's just pick one or the other and leave it all year, IMO. Up north I would prefer standard time due to the late rising of the sun. DST would have it dark here until almost 10 in December and January.
I work nights so I don't see much sun day after I work. I like dst though for when I am awake.