Spring forward!

In the modern world it doesn't save power, year round most people will turn on lights in the morning just the same, no different in the afternoon. Additionally where you are east to west in the time one will impact you differently. It isn't a one size fits all.

Personally I am not impacted by the clock vs sun, if I'm in my garage my lights are on. Where I'm at we rarely have clear mornings so lights are on, in the afternoon a tree blocks my only west window. Simply put natural light isn't enough.

Now that is why I like the late sunlight. With 5 cars that are washed regularly it is nice to be able to see what I am doing between 7:30-8:30 pm. Can't all be done on a weekend nor before 5 pm on a Saturday/Sunday afternoon.
I don't understand the reason for changing the clock to suit the time of year. I doubt our ancestors gave it much thought. It is called seasons for a reason.
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Personally I would rather have the extra daylight in the evenings during summer. There's not much chance of me being up at daybreak on my days off, but it helps me get things done in the evening when it's still light. I also like it for cruise nights.

We had a gorgeous day here today, sunny with temps in the mid sixties, Fahrenheit of course. Snow is basically gone, although I think we'll probably get one more snowfall before it's spring for sure. I saw my first definite signs of spring today in the form of a couple of classic pick-ups, a late 80's Mustang Cobra, a sedan from the 40's and a couple of C-bodies, all of them out cruisin'! :)

Both C-bodies were Dodge "Slabs" and both of them were blue. One was a '68 2-door and the other was a '67 4-door pulling a small utility trailer. Sorry, no pics this time.
It was 81 degf today and supposed to 89 degf tomorrow. Its March for cripes sake.
All day rain yesterday which means driving season has begun and shouldn't be interrupted by another salty road event. Unfortunately I still have some work to do on my drivers before I can drive them this year.