spring has arrived

Spring chicken: I can still put dock and pontoon in myself.
this is the first year i like the smell of viburnums
And my mowing is done for the day...

Clutch bracket broke off again

And clutch wiring broke...
Yeah, if it would stop f-ing raining, that would be nice (me coming out of the local Ace Hardware the other day).
This rain does suck, gonna be a bad year for mosquitoes...

Zombie bloom. So much for the super bloom we’ve had so much rain that everything’s dead but the poppies. They usually last 2 - 5 weeks tops but they’re still going strong. Never seen anything like it. Miles and miles of them. Sorry about the crummy pics.


It's been stupid wet here too. Ready for summer to dry everything out...
The non rust belt areas don't count
Winter is over and smoke season has begun. 10 AM today. Visibility down to about one mile. The nearest fire is 500 miles away. @Fury440 should be able to get a nice shot of where the mountains are supposed to be.

Smoke bah humbug

One a clear day, fortunately most of the time.

Today, however, it's not very clear. Note, the forest fire responsible for this crap is over 1,000 km north of here. Look out Montana, it's drifting your way.:D

Arizona has been the exception to the bad weather. We've had a record cool May. It's been beautiful. Of course here comes June and the 100 plus temperatures. All good things must come to an end.