Spring that goes around the brake drum


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Klein, TX
Any suggestions on how to re-install the spring that goes around the brake drum. I took them off to get the drums cleaned up and painted and now can't get them back on.
Are they that stiffly put around. The ones I know from other models came on and off rather easily set in a groove.
On the other Hand they're only put on to supposedly tone down Vibrations while braking. I remember them being put on by the Shops if customers complained (again on other cars) being non factory.
Lock it together, get it on one side (12 O'clock), use a couple of pry bars or long screwdrivers (at opposing sides like 5 and 8 on a clock) to work it over the other side.

An extra set of hands would be very helpfull
Lock it together, get it on one side (12 O'clock), use a couple of pry bars or long screwdrivers (at opposing sides like 5 and 8 on a clock) to work it over the other side.

An extra set of hands would be very helpfull

Tried that... I will have to get another set of hands to help. Thanks.
Well it only took three guys and four big screwdrivers to reinstall the springs around the drums.....
Could of been on a future episode of Trailer Park Boys...