Stick a fork in me.....

Retirement means not doing that anymore and that is a good thing even though it was a good thing to do when you did it. Hope your transition to idle is disrupted by good projects.
Thanks everyone.

It's been a long road for me and I'm glad I'm where I am now.

I have some projects to keep me busy. The house needs some attention and I have the 53 Windsor project that I haven't touched in a couple years now. Mrs. Big John tells me she has a list... but she's granting me a couple weeks to goof off and rest up.
Good for you man!! I plan to be a burden to my children in 20 years wish it was today as I'm sitting in my office waiting for the last tire kicker to leave...

So what is your best price on a eco diesel grand.cherokee. I can't find a used one that I like.
So what is your best price on a eco diesel grand.cherokee. I can't find a used one that I like.

Overland Diesel up here is high 50's so at $0.72 on the dollar mid 40's for you sir. Thats a cash price sold one today MSRP of $69800 for $61000 plus taxes - I do have a couple of 2015 used ones if you are interested PM me
Congratulations...:) ...I'm 57 now and have to work till I'm 67 !! By that time maybe till 68 or 69 !! All depends on what the gouverment overhere decides...:(

I will be doing what I do until I die...I hope!
I hope that I'll be able to enjoy and drive my C-bodies until my last day on earth. It would really suck not being able to drive....