Still alive:

Good news all. I go in for surgery Wednesday to have my reversal procedure to remove this ziplock bag from my stomach. looking forward to getting it off.
That has to be exciting, I can't imagine the psychological effects of all that fun... but I'm certain it would bother the heck out of me. Next step, learning to trust a sneeze, again.

Hoping you'll be closer to 100% by fall and able to finally meet you in Ocala.
Hello all, still alive. I haven't been on my computer in a while. Guess what, I have another surgery scheduled for Aug. 16 to get a new right hip. It has been bad for a year, very painful. I will let you all know how it goes. Miss everyone.
Thanks for the update! Hope everything goes as planned, in a good way!

Best wishes,
A friend of my wife just had that surgery and was walking around after a few weeks. They have it down to a science now. Hopefully all goes well and keep us posted.
Hello all, still alive. I haven't been on my computer in a while. Guess what, I have another surgery scheduled for Aug. 16 to get a new right hip. It has been bad for a year, very painful. I will let you all know how it goes. Miss everyone.
Bad year seems like an understatement, I best wishes for a speedy recovery and better luck for the future.
Hang in there, a guy I know had one done a few months back and he recovered well. I will be 50 in Oct. and he is younger than me so that may be why he recovered so well.
Thoughts and prayers for your surgery and speedy recovery.