Stupid is as...

Just this morning, I came across this sign and just shook my head at what the new acceptable standards are for grammar on public signs.


Then I got to the other side. The stupidity countinued. A double whammy to my sensibilities...

As God I is my witness I walked into a subway a couple years ago and told the girl I wanted a 12" sub she says" we don't have those, we only have foot long and 6 inch" . It took a second to process and all I could muster up was" I'll have foot long then." As far as the guy with fire works goes....... Stupid is!!
As God I is my witness I walked into a subway a couple years ago and told the girl I wanted a 12" sub she says" we don't have those, we only have foot long and 6 inch" . It took a second to process and all I could muster up was" I'll have foot long then."
Man my dad would say people that stupid should be shot lol.
Sometimes when I go thru the drive-thru at fast food joints, I'll just order a "cola". They come back with,' we don't serve coke, is Pepsi okay? I just reply that it's a cola isn't it? Then the debate starts when they think I'm the dummy. This hommie don't play that!
What about the idiot that shot firework of his head, died and his mom is crying about safer fireworks! Responsibility for ones self is a thing of the past!
Fifty years ago we had stupid people like those highlighted in the previous posts, but fortunately very few lived long enough to reproduce. Today however we seem to be growing them faster than the grim reaper can collect them.
So !!!
Some drunkass kid
puts some serious fireworks on his head
explodes his head,.......

His mother wants to make stricter rules for fireworks....

Because of one stupid asswipe the rest of us have to pay .....?

Hey lady !!!! How about teach your damn kids responsibilities ....
Like with drinking and fireworks....
So !!!
Some drunkass kid
puts some serious fireworks on his head
explodes his head,.......

His mother wants to make stricter rules for fireworks....

Because of one stupid asswipe the rest of us have to pay .....?

This is the way that it always goes now. Someone, one person, does something stupid and the rest of us get legislation and regulation shoved down our throats because of it.

Hey lady !!!! How about teach your damn kids responsibilities ....
Like with drinking and fireworks....

I agree that is one of the biggest reasons for the problems we have today.
Kind of like the guy that slipped off the rocks into the Atlantic at Peggy's Cove, NS. He was rescued, but now want them to put up a fence so people don't fall in. I guess the big-*** signs everywhere warning of getting too close or going onto the black rocks wasn't enough.
This is the way that it always goes now. Someone, one person, does something stupid and the rest of us get legislation and regulation shoved down our throats because of it.

I wonder what they are going to do about alligators eating drunken 28 year olds....
It was on the news. The friend's of the moron shot and killed the gator.
More intelligence

That is true but the bright side was that after opening the stomach they can now bury the missing body parts with the main body...