Going Away Party 9-11-2023 Sapa, Vietnam
The party:
As we are leaving Thursday to return to the USA, we had a party for the family and friends.
We figured on 40 showing up and it was close to that or more. Brothers, sisters and all their kids, etc.
May and I went shopping for tofu, bamboo, veggies, etc., in the morning. Ly (the owner of the hotel) went off
to buy pork and chickens via her motorbike. May and I were on foot and made 2 trips.
I started the BBQ at 2:30 and cooked some of the chicken and pork, some small chiles and the bell peppers.
The hotel has a large gas fired burner next to the hotel in a small room and that was used along with the
stove in the kitchen. Dinner was at 6 PM and by the time the food was finished we had a good crowd. Great food
and we opened the bottle of wine I had found a few weeks ago near the trash pile outside the hotel. It was
still sealed and it was just fine too!
Everyone helped set the tables and afterward cleaning all the dishes, the floor and putting all the leftovers
away. That took an hour. We had 3 rooms for the ones who stayed over ready. You can see the snooze pictures.
May was in there and they slept till about 8 this morning. I had our room to myself. One of them invited us all for
breakfast at the noodle place just down the street. So no leftovers this morning.
Going Away Party 9-11-2023 Sapa, Vietnam
The 1st picture is the pile of 6 rice bags that we sent to Hanoi full of Hmong materials we bought here. This is the 1st time we
could not send anything by sea as in the past with the Vietnam Post Office. 211 kilos total = 464 pounds. Pao who is May's cousin
knew of a place in Hanoi that could get it to the USA via air. We got it ready and he came by the hotel and had a van pick it up and
he went it to Hanoi (7 hours each way) and got it paid for and packed up. With the round trip for him and the freight it was about
2,000.00 dollars. Probably about 4 times more than if it could have gone by sea.
The dinner had 4 tables that had 8 people crammed into a small space and the tables were overflowing with food. Others sat at
a table near the TV area. Loads of groups stay here and do the same thing so Ly and her husband are all set up for large gatherings.
Ly is in the red shirt and her husband is in the background...both Ly and May spent time cleaning the squash leaves off the vines.
The sleep champions of the DOZE BOWL are here::
After the Going Away Party: Sleep Over and the Morning After 9-12-2023 Sapa, Vietnam