Tail gate regulator lift motor


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2014
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Want to move and test the motor that actuates the regulator attached to the tailgate window.
12v battery battery, negative lead attached to the regulator frame/ sub- assembly. Positive lead connected to one of the two needs from the motor. One lead up the other lead down?

Don't thing so. The motors that are in the doors are tested by: One lead to one male part of the plug, the other to the other male. Should go up. Reverse the wires, should go down. Don't see any reason why it would be different on tailgates. Smarter minds than mine can tell you what it's called. Reverse polarity? Cam
Want to move and test the motor that actuates the regulator attached to the tailgate window.
12v battery battery, negative lead attached to the regulator frame/ sub- assembly. Positive lead connected to one of the two needs from the motor. One lead up the other lead down?

The outside of the case does not need to be grounded.

You apply positive to one lead and negative to the other. The motor will go one direction.... Reverse the polarity and it will go the other.
The outside of the case does not need to be grounded.

You apply positive to one lead and negative to the other. The motor will go one direction.... Reverse the polarity and it will go the other.
Was afraid of that, tested as your saying. Hoped I did it wrong, only other thing is using a 12v battery with about 8 ah, May noy have enough current with the cold and thick grease. Thanks for the quick reply. Will remove the motor, and get it and the regulator out for clean up as i set out to do.
What Big John said! I have never spent any time on a tailgate window, as I don't have a wagon, but looking at other posts here, the pw motor looks to be somewhat more robust than the regular window motors, due to the size and weight of the window. I don't know what the regulator looks like, or how the tracks that it must slide up and down in are situated. In my car, there are plastic rollers that guide the regulator up and down the tracks, and these rollers can break up, which causes the window to jam up. You should take a look at those too. Also, is there a relay for this motor? Might want to investigate that too, make sure it is not rusted and it is grounded well. Just my thoughts. C Shaft