You just put a smile on my face! Looking for some fun/better times in the future myself.
Hopefully you know the car well enough to know what might be getting close to needing some attention, as reliable and durable as those cars tend to be. There are lots of great things to see in this country, with a few that are a bit less so. Do enjoy as much as possible.
DO make sure that whatever medical insurance coverages you might have can follow you on your adventure, not stopping "out of the area", as some might do. For general principles, you might get a GPS tracking device put on the car, plus enable anything similar on you cell phone. THEN enable a trusted individual to monitor your locations so that somebody knows where you are, just in case . . . Your agenda, their monitoring. DO keep in touch with them, too, if for nothing more than to relay the fun you're having to them. Hopefully, they can share your joy!
How old are the battery, alternator, and fuel pump? Maybe get spares for them, with the tools needed to change them, in the trunk? Or get them replaced a few weeks before departure, with the current ones in the trunk?
Everybody's time on this earth is limited, at any age. Enjoying it as much as possible is extremely important! The longer we might live, the more stories we'll have to share others.
Best of luck! Enjoy! and SEND PICS.