That's it


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
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Leavenworth, Kansas
I've been waiting for the last 2 years to deal with my Tante's (aunt) estate. Well, it's been decided. I want to say something positive about the german courts but...I cant. I know what my Tante wanted but due to a cousin that is an owner of a bank and has must more money than us nephews and niece (me), we have lost her estate. I thought that with a small amount of money that I was to receive would go to restoring the car. The total estate was 3.4 million euros. I didn't think my aunts cousin would try to keep everything. I know what my mother told me how the estate would go and after her death, I know what my Tante told me. I now understand how greed.
Sorry to hear, that's infuriating! They must not have read your signature.
My Father died 50 years before my Mother and 40 years before his parents and during those 40+ years all seemed fine and well with hugs and sucky face all around. 'Til the Grand Parents will was read that is. Their entire estate was split equally between my dads two brothers and the will further stated that "to the widow and four children of our deceased son Donald we leave absolutely nothing for good and valuable reasons" WTF IZ THAT? We four children never expected squat but the widow of their 1st born son raised four kidz that ranged from 18 months old to 17 yearz old when he died and had been treated like the daughter they never had. And She never worked out side our home while our father was alive and we four also questioned why She or We were not even named in that document. I've gotta ask 'um both WHY if we're in the same place when I get there!
My sister and I have just stated talking after 15 years.
The conditions are that Ma's Will never comes up...

There's a reason why I live almost a thousand miles from Wisconsin after I retired from the Army. I would be in prison for killing one of my siblings for what they did to my parents until there last days on earth. My Dad was 80 years old and had to sleep with his wallet under his mattress. My siblings stole everything and anything they could literally get a dollar for. My siblings were and are (the ones still here wasting oxygen) professional bums, drunks, crackheads, etc. For awhile I didn't think Maryland wasn't far enough away......I almost retired in Germany! I'm not even scratching the surface here....
I hear ya. There is eleven kids in our family and my mom is 87. There is only two of us that even call her to see if she needs anything. Family sucks, at least mine.
I hear ya. There is eleven kids in our family and my mom is 87. There is only two of us that even call her to see if she needs anything. Family sucks, at least mine.

My dads 97 and there are four of us and I am the only one (and my wife) who takes care of him. Oh they might visit if he is in the hospital or rehab a few times but other than that NADA NADA NADA !!!! :gah:

However honestly I would not change my situation for anything !!! even knowing at the end everything will be an even four way split.

OH WELL !!!!!!!!!! :shruggy:
I've decided that I'm gonna spend as much as I can....after I retire. Question is....will I live to retirement. Damn!!!!
Oh hell, guess I just need to find the right guy to help me put the car back together before I retire or die.

German courts suck. My nephew's wife fled east Germany in 1983 and married an American soldier in the west. They were divorced in the 90's.However, her Parents owned a large Farm in east Germany, and she was entitled to a portion upon his death, The mother Told her if she moved back, she could claim it. But since she fled under the Communists, the local yocal won't help with a visa, as they deny she exists. The mother won't admit to the Gov't the woman is her daughter.Unless she moves back. Nice Mother,eh.