The Craigslist gods were smiling down!

Nice find !
Lunch box parts ?
They came in a bag full of mostly Imperial emblems, some were used and some looked as though they'd never been installed. The guy I got them from said they were in his wife's fathers belongings. The guy was really nice and he said I could probably make my money back by selling the Mustang grille piece...
Sweet find! You could mount one on a big gold rope chain and wear it around your neck. :woot:
This one was $129

This is the one I paid $25 for......

No, it's an emblem. I've got some research to do, not sure what year that one is. I think the majority of the Imp pieces are '67ish.

Hey Matt, this one is from a fuselage Imperial. Mine are identical! There are two different mounting styles, with one stud and with two. If you want, I can take a look which one goes where!
Thanks Julian, I'll check how many studs are on it. If it's in better condition than yours let me know. I don't see myself needing it.
That's great, thanks Matt! All my emblems are pittet so if you really don't need it, I would be more then happy to get it! PM me with a price please :)

Just to identify another one, the one right to the mustang emblem is from a fuselage imperial rear speaker grill. This one is in great shape on mine tho!
rear speaker grill.jpg
That one I knew as it's similar to the medallion in my '67.