The Crispy Chrysler

When Blubs says motor he's not speaking of the engine but of the entire car. He's from accross the pond you know...

ah yes. I see now. I dont know why I didnt think of that before! lol

Hello from Minnesota! Can't argue with getting a car for a song. Can I ask how the car got its name?

The overall condition of the car...mainly the vinyl top is very crispy above the dutchman panel. lol

Welcome Mario! Glad you made it over and I like the car.

Guess this means the GTX is gonna lose it's wheels LOL

Hey Bry! Yep, she's gettin her old shoes put back on.
Welcome Mario! Glad you made it over and I like the car.

Guess this means the GTX is gonna lose it's wheels LOL
here's the olde GTXer and her soon-to-be former rims and tyres (see what I did there-Blubs? lol)


When you posted "The Crispy Chrysler", I think we all imagined the remains of a Chrysler that was heated up to far beyond its' design specifications.
Man the blue on that GTX is just gorgeous you are lucky to own a A,B & C-Body beautiful cars
Didn't you have a set of valve covers done by Cudachick?