The fence problem


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2015
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Bacliff Texas
I have driven from Houston to the west coast as a tourist in a car a few times. I know the roads. I have hunted land between Sanderson and Dryden Texas. That is way out there. Our camp was remote and if you think a fence, way out there, will keep some humans out, you are some kind of stupid.
Start with the U.S. 3rd Armored Calvary and drones.... they can keep everyone out........make it a "Free Fire Zone" and you won't even need a fence.
Start with the U.S. 3rd Armored Calvary and drones.... they can keep everyone out........make it a "Free Fire Zone" and you won't even need a fence.
Now you know that would work and the border would be secure. Will we do it?
"Posse Comitatus" is why you will NOT see this occur.
You made me go back and read it.
Then this...

In 2011, President Barack Obama signed National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012into law. Section 1021(b)(2) extended the definition of a "covered person", i.e., someone possibly subject to detention under this law, to include:
A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, theTaliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.[SUP][10][/SUP]

I never heard of a terrorist group specifically called out by name in a law before.
So that is why ISIS came out of nowhere and exploded.
They weren't illegal...
Now, don't laugh. I want you to take a deep breath and ponder this for a minute. Seriously.
i spent a lot of time in the big bend area, and i totally agree, even though i also agree we got to do something right now. there is no way in hell to physically erect a physical fence across the whole thing.

a border patrol or national guard officer positioned every .10th mile with shoot orders would do it. it wont take but a week or two for the word to get out to quit tryin to cross or you will cease to exist.

when i was a kid, they put these big huge blimps up, lansat or aerosat or something - anyways it was to watch the border. this was in the 70s or 80s? and how did that work out.

i remember being on the bridge @ juarez/ el paso del norte, and watching people just cross the river. i went up to the border patrol guy and said 'go get em!' (i was like 10yrs old) - he said ' we will get them sooner or later' and didnt even flinch. again this was in the 70s or 80s.

so its not a new issue.

BITD - down in terlingua and stuff - everyone would leave their trailer unlocked, can of beans and a can opener on the table, etc. it was easier to let them camp a day and move on then having them destroy your trailer trying to get in.

the tx border has been fluid since the dawn of time. half the cities in tx and cali are spanish names.

i speak spanish, and love hispanic culture. i welcome spanish people over here. love it. but you got to go thru the process. you cant just come over.

every other nation in the world besides US would turn your butt right around and not let you in.

those that use mexico as a jump point (they are from china, middle east, africa, etc, not mexico) need a 1 way ticket back wherever they came from.

end of rant.
I've always wanted to reinstate the draft. Give the person a choice - two years in the Army infantry OR three years on the Border Patrol. Build forts, just like in the 1860s, along the border every twenty miles or so. House the border "troops" in these forts. Don't worry about a physical "wall"; this would do the trick. Have continuous 24/7/365 patrols every minute or so along every foot of the border from San Diego to Brownsville. Give the members an incentive - for every illegal of ANY nationality they detain, arrest and deport, they get five minutes off their three-year commitment. For every real US citizen they detain by mistake, they get ten minutes ADDED to their commitment. Add bonus pay and GI Bill-like incentives to service. College would NOT be an option out for ANY able-bodied person! Even many of the disabled could participate and benefit from being in the Border Patrol. No way could anyone get out of service through political connections, celebrity status, or fame or fortune. Once you serve either service, you could stay in for another term or separate with benefits like education vouchers and such. This would work, but no one has the political stones to present such a program to both the Congress and the American people.
"Posse Comitatus" is why you will NOT see this occur.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]You make a good point but I believe the intent of that act is to prevent military forces (mainly army) from enforcing the law on citizens. I'm no constitutional scholar like our current Presidemt but I understand that the motive behind the act was to prevent an Army occupation of the southern states, post civil war. We hold it over today to protect us from a totalitarian government. Thank goodness.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]But... We've had national guard on the border recently. It may not be out of the question for them to defend the borders. If only we enforced the laws already on the books....[/FONT]
Agreed with on all points. Especially leaving the doors unlocked in your camp. Out in the wilderness, it is better than coming to camp finding your shelter destroyed. We were also allowed unrestricted access to Mexico back in the day and could buy a bottle of Patron for around $5. IMO this whole national crisis regarding an invasion of illegal immigrants from points south has nothing to do with illegal immigration hurting job opportunities and everything to do with Evangelicals market share and voting. We now have goggles to see them :poke:
I've always wanted to reinstate the draft. Give the person a choice - two years in the Army infantry OR three years on the Border Patrol. Build forts, just like in the 1860s, along the border every twenty miles or so. House the border "troops" in these forts. Don't worry about a physical "wall"; this would do the trick. Have continuous 24/7/365 patrols every minute or so along every foot of the border from San Diego to Brownsville. Give the members an incentive - for every illegal of ANY nationality they detain, arrest and deport, they get five minutes off their three-year commitment. For every real US citizen they detain by mistake, they get ten minutes ADDED to their commitment. Add bonus pay and GI Bill-like incentives to service. College would NOT be an option out for ANY able-bodied person! Even many of the disabled could participate and benefit from being in the Border Patrol. No way could anyone get out of service through political connections, celebrity status, or fame or fortune. Once you serve either service, you could stay in for another term or separate with benefits like education vouchers and such. This would work, but no one has the political stones to present such a program to both the Congress and the American people.

Have you ever visited the land of arroyo's? Seriously think about the movie Chato's land. There is no way to keep that border human free save our Army arty solution and that won't happen.
Back in the day when I hunted mule deer in the arroyo's, it took 1-2 hours to get to the camp south of highway 90. We never saw a border patrol checkpoint going into camp but sure as scat we encountered them coming out. Our camp was close enough to Mexico to see the dark walls of the once mighty Rio Grande. It is now a ditch you can walk across thanks to farmers. Game wardens would sit with border patrol to see if they could write a citation. They were bored as scat sitting in their a/c'd Tahoes. Tell me again how a fence patrolled by conscripts would make any difference.
I served my first 3 years in the 3rd Armored Calvary at Ft. Bliss, Texas......Brave Rifles

I served my first 3 years in the 3rd Armored Calvary at Ft. Bliss, Texas......Brave Rifles


First of all I appreciate your service and know from experience that your leadership made a difference. I was a one term USAF airman and made no difference but I did serve. Lackland in August of 1973 was my first visit to Texas. The absolutely wrong time to be in Texas as far as PT is concerned.
First of all I appreciate your service and know from experience that your leadership made a difference. I was a one term USAF airman and made no difference but I did serve. Lackland in August of 1973 was my first visit to Texas. The absolutely wrong time to be in Texas as far as PT is concerned.

I hear took a month to acclimate to the desert. We use to run 8 miles EVERY day in combat boots and cotton fatigue's. Lucky I was 21 years old in 1976....LOL!
Back in the day when I hunted mule deer in the arroyo's, it took 1-2 hours to get to the camp south of highway 90. We never saw a border patrol checkpoint going into camp but sure as scat we encountered them coming out. Our camp was close enough to Mexico to see the dark walls of the once mighty Rio Grande. It is now a ditch you can walk across thanks to farmers. Game wardens would sit with border patrol to see if they could write a citation. They were bored as scat sitting in their a/c'd Tahoes. Tell me again how a fence patrolled by conscripts would make any difference.

So, nothing is better than something, then, right??? I've been all along the border - probably 70% of it, anyway, over the years. You put enough motivated manpower along the border, and like any border that is actually enforced, you'll see a HUGE drop in people trying to cross illegally. Again, our politicians and much of the American citizenry are afraid of actually keeping people OUT that don't belong here - don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, ya know! Political Correctness will defeat our nation and the rest of the Western world. It's happening now.