I've always wanted to reinstate the draft. Give the person a choice - two years in the Army infantry OR three years on the Border Patrol. Build forts, just like in the 1860s, along the border every twenty miles or so. House the border "troops" in these forts. Don't worry about a physical "wall"; this would do the trick. Have continuous 24/7/365 patrols every minute or so along every foot of the border from San Diego to Brownsville. Give the members an incentive - for every illegal of ANY nationality they detain, arrest and deport, they get five minutes off their three-year commitment. For every real US citizen they detain by mistake, they get ten minutes ADDED to their commitment. Add bonus pay and GI Bill-like incentives to service. College would NOT be an option out for ANY able-bodied person! Even many of the disabled could participate and benefit from being in the Border Patrol. No way could anyone get out of service through political connections, celebrity status, or fame or fortune. Once you serve either service, you could stay in for another term or separate with benefits like education vouchers and such. This would work, but no one has the political stones to present such a program to both the Congress and the American people.