Well-Known Member
I've seen that, lol. somewhere around these parts..hahahahood scoops on a formal....l leed a sheltered life![]()
I've seen that, lol. somewhere around these parts..hahahahood scoops on a formal....l leed a sheltered life![]()
Oh well...at least it doesn't have a Superbird wing.........yet.hood scoops on a formal....l leed a sheltered life![]()
Have seen all mentioned. And I still think I am a young guy...would like to say 911 was the most horrific. Landing on the moon most exciting, for non personal stuff. Also would like to add another. The Apollo 1 tragedy. I remember hearing the details they released at the time and thinking, wow, that had to be horrible. Now more details are out it really was.
Grissom, White, and Chaffee. yeah that was a bad one. my dad was mad as hell about it. didn't fully know why -- but he said a lotta "bad words" every time somebody mentioned it. I have a pretty good memory of this one.
and it gave me nightmares as a kid even with the "sanitized" version of events back then. it was a fire on the pad, but it wasn't clear why it killed them. the REAL story is out there now -- and it ain't pretty at all how those fellas went. at least there are NO pictures of their dead bodies floating around cyberspace.
UN-like that Russian cosmonaut - Kamarov(sp?) - also in 1967. Crash landing his Soyuz capsule on the ground, NO parachute! different fatal circumstances, much worse outcome. Iron Curtain politics keep that quiet a long time.
DO NOT go looking for it if sickening images bother you -- but the story behind his accident is a fascinating and terrifying look at the Russian sacrifices to get to space.
Don't go to Google. The pics ar eout there now. And they didn't die of fire. They died of smoke inhalation
your opinion does so mean something. i spend more time reading your stuff than anything else here. i nominate you: Most Respected Elder at f.c.b.o. seconds?In my opinion which means absolutely nothing
I have to admit that witnessing some of those H-bomb tests has to have been awesome on an all new level. I too worked with a lot of WWII vets and Korean war vets. One old power plant operator I worked with had two merchant ships torpedoed and put him in the drink. He kept his wallet in a baggie. Nothing ever before can compare to an h-bomb detonation so you made me think about the most significant event ever. I should have titled this post as the most significant achievement but even that would include the assembly of the H-Bomb. Now I'm at a loss. Maybe the most benign achievement? Most technical achievement?I had a Navy guy working for me about 20 years ago that was part of the Operation Crossroads nuke tests in the Bikini Atoll in 1946. He was an observer on a ship. He had some interesting stories. He's long gone now. Old Man Burke is what we called him...