Did a few small jobs I've been meaning to do. First of all, as I described earlier, I've been thinking about what to do with the air cleaner assembly. The round chrome one in the early pictures is no longer. It got damaged and rusty during the hibernation period around my separation and divorce. The triangular Edelbrock never floated my boat, looked too small. I experimented with spray painting the original but I suck at little detail jobs. I just don't have the patience or the fine motor skills. The two attempts I made were terrible. Finally I decided to take it down to the metal. I used a power drill with a steel brush attachment and also a palm sander. Then I gave the whole thing a couple of coats of clear to keep the rust worm away. I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Has its imperfections but overall I'm pleased.
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The other thing I've been wanting to do for years was replace the door seals. I found Dixie Restoration Parts online
http://www.dixierestorationparts.com and they claimed to have the right seals. I ordered them back at the end of July and they didn't have them in stock. I just got them on Thursday. The rears fit pretty well. The fronts were longer they should be and not exactly a match. The originals were slightly different around the vent window. I actually did a transplant, cutting the new ones and patching in that particular piece of the old ones (luckily this one section was in good condition on the old ones). I used 3M black weatherstrip adhesive from O'Pepadvancezone to glue them in and do the "suturing" between the new and old sections.
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Again, quite happy with the outcome.