furyus 67
Senior Member
So I'm at my buddy's house today, I helped him install a sliding door and put some more work into my 413. Well I'm getting ready to leave and these 2 kids, twenty or so pull into the driveway and slowly get out of their car. The looked pretty timid even tho they were not small . They were driving a mid 90's Volkswagen Jetta. It's ricered out tuner looking thing. Not terrible, it didn't have wing. My buddy has a couple of talons in his yard among other things. They were interested in one of them. Turned out to be pretty nice guys but I noticed something. They were talking about cars they had owned and loved and it was all supercharged grand prixs and how they want to do 3800 swaps and this 4 banger and that 6 banger this and that. Then it hit me!! These poor kids!!! When I first started getting grease under my nails, we were still playing small block and big block V8 rear wheel drive cars. At 39 years old and driving in the late 80's there were still affordable mopars and big block chevelles around. I didn't realize how lucky I was. Those of you that grew up in the peak of the muscle car era are even luckier!!! I mean these poor kids have nothing but choked down shiny turd ball weed wackers to play with! That's my rant!