This is definately worse than barn cats on my warm hood.


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
London, Ohio
I got a new car magazine and this picture was on the inside. I at least only have to worry about the barn cats at my shop on the farm. We haven't had any beef cattle for several years. I don't think that is going to buff out.


I don't see any fresh hoof tracks in the snow......
My buddy had a goat that would jump on the hood of cars. Grrrrr......
My buddy had a goat that would jump on the hood of cars. Grrrrr......

There was girl I dated a few times in my teens who had a goat. She lived back a long lane. I had been there before either riding with her or another friend. I knew about the goat and it would stand on the top of their cars. I stopped my car, a MGB convertible, at the edge of the grass, about 200 yards from the house. I was going to let her know I was there, meet the parents again, and then bring the car up to go out on the date. You guessed it, the goat was on top of the convertible top when I came outside.

I was good didn't complain too much. Some how the goat didn't dent anything or tear the top, so no damage done really. We had an OK evening of dinner and a movie. I still remember this though, she only ate about half of the lasagna and got the rest to take home. If there is one leftover that taste good it is lasagna.

I got her home and went ahead and drove the car up the lane, she said she would keep the goat off my car. She got out of the car and proceeded to give the goat the lasagna. Hell if she wasn't going to eat it I would have it was good lasagna. That was it for me and I never dated her again.
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