This thread is a cross-post and contains political referrences. It's about talk radio.


Old Man with a Hat
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Detroit 'burbs
I'm a member of another forum that talks about local media (mostly radio/TV). No special reason, (I'm not in media) I just think it's an interesting discussion board.

I made a post on the subject of our once-mighty 50kw AM station (WJR) which has seen its ratings decline to their lowest level since recording ratings. Their format has been local jabber until noon, then Rush Limbaugh, then another national syndicated show till 5p, then a pompous local guy from 5-till who-knows-because-I'm-done-with-radio-by-then. That's been the formula since the 80s/90s.

Recently they swapped in another local "talent", (replacing Michael Savage) who talks at the audience rather than to them. Ratings are worse then ever. I threw in a couple Mopar references that I'm sure the board's Prius-driving crowd won't get, but I thought it might be interesting to hear if anyone on this board listens to talk, and if you have local/national faves. Obviously this touches on politics, so stay away if you don't like the topic. (Not because you disagree with something... I have no problem staying civil even if we disagree) As you'll see I listen to conservative and NPR shows

My post went like this...
At 44, I should be listening to podcasts, satellite, and other more modern forms of media but I still listen to radio. I'm not a lazy person, but I just don't care enough to set time aside each day to "download". Nor do I have enough spare time to put together some awesome music collection on Mp3. When I used to drive professionally in AZ, we had a library of books-on-tape at work and I'd use the hell out of that. I've never much listened to music on the radio because it has sucked for my entire lifetime with a few exceptions (WJLB in the 80s, 90.1 when they played old-school rap early in the morning, KJZZ when I lived in Phoenix, KAJM in the present day) But I digress... My feelings on WJR:

My daytime drive begins around 4:50 so I'll listen to WJR for news until I here those magic banjo plucks around 5:25 and then this happens:


...I swap over to WWJ, which I will also do whenever I detect an insipid DTE commerical (which means every commercial break). When I can't escape that stupidity, I'll use the FM side of the radio and tune in 91.7 NPR so I can see how my tax dollars are being spent wasted. Every so often, I get a laugh when one of their interviews doesn't work out exactly as expected... Like the time they interviewed (and lauded praise upon) some former US Ambassador so he'd tell them how horrible Trump is for not filling all the "special" ambassador positions and he instead told NPR those positions were a perfect example of government waste; that they accomplished nothing but gumming up the works for "real" ambassadors. It was so obvious that interview backfired, I think I was actually lol'ing in the car.

Once at work around 5:45, I might continue to listen to NPR if I'm in the "lab" area, but I don't listen to the radio in the office area. Because of all the instruments in the lab and the concrete box nature of the building, AM is like a French police officer in a Sharia neighborhood...a no-go zone. If I turn on WDET (the second-rate NPR station that is strong enough to make it through) I'll just get angry (again) that this amateur-hour gets my tax money and thus a strong signal, but any other "opinion" radio has to make it on ad revenue. So they must run Radio Shack™ AM or FM transmitters which cannot be heard by the common folk. Often I give up and tune into 104.3 and hope they aren't playing "Jessie's Girl" for the 5000th time.

Ride home starts at 3pm, and Hallelujah(or praise the un-being if you object), another UAW co-worker told me about 660 AM which carries a re-broadcast of Rush Limbaugh (and hog-belly prices)! I haven't been able to listen to Rush in many years and I think I now better appreciate his brilliance. He's never angry, always affable, and an entertainer at the same time. I don't agree 100%, but Compare this to Sean Hannity (1400 AM, same time) who is exactly the opposite and unlistenable, even to conservative ears. Sometimes I'll tune into WJR's Guy Gordon's show just to hear a smug, slow-motion trainwreck of a talk show.

I don't know what WJR's ratings were like during the Savage @ 3 PM days, but I'm gratified to know they're now lower than ever. And as a dedicated Savage listener, I was always amazed how many callers were from Detroit/WJR. Savage may have been running a national show, but he obviously had a Detroit following. Gordon only listens to his callers so he can do the devil's advocate response. "You may say XYZ caller, but there are those who say ABC." And that's WHEN he takes calls. Usually it's just a drone from an "expert" at the Ann Arbor center for Automotive Research... Rather than tap the drive-home audience from the industry who might say something besides a press-release.

If I'm forced to listen into Albom's horrible 5 PM show, I either switch to music, Hannity or consider a bridge abutment. All are equally appealing.

If I'm still there at 6 PM, I enjoy an hour of John McCulloch. If I have to listen later than that, the choices are bleak. More than once I have just given up and listened to the purr of my Big-Block Mopar.
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I used to drive about 40k miles a year, so I listened to a lot of radio.

Talk radio gets ridiculous... I tried a lot of them. They would start out well and then start off on some really stupid tangent. I tried different stuff... I actually liked Dave Ramsey's financial advice, but that got to be the same stuff and I got tired of listening to dumb call in questions and started yelling "dumb ***" at the radio.

I was occasionally listening to a local talk guy. He was OK most of the time... He'd get stuck on one subject though and he'd get boring. His callers would want to talk about something completely different... Like sports... That was kind of comical, but it didn't make for good radio.

I finally gave up and bought an XM radio and never looked back. Just music, no commercials. I have two subscriptions. One is the radio in my DD and the other is a radio that slides between the truck, my 300 and the garage.
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I used to drive about 40k miles a year, so I listened to a lot of radio.

Talk radio gets ridiculous... I tried a lot of them. They would start out well and then start off on some really stupid tangent. I tried different stuff... I actually liked Dave Ramsey's financial advice, but that got to be the same stuff and I got tired of listening to dumb call in questions and started yelling "dumb ***" at the radio.

I was occasionally listening to a local talk guy. He was OK most of the time... He'd get stuck on one subject though and he'd get boring. His callers would want to talk about something completely different... Like sports... That was kind of comical, but it didn't make for good radio.

I finally gave up and bought an XM radio and never looked back. Just music, no commercials. I have two subscriptions. One is the radio in my DD and the other is a radio that slides between the truck, my 300 and the garage.

I can't disagree with much of what you said. But I've also had satellite in two cars (free subscriptions with purchase, lol) and while the song play list is somewhat expanded from FM radio; not much. Before long you realize it's just the same songs over and over. I can't imagine paying for that, or dragging a bunch of hardware (or a boombox) from car-to-car-to-garage, etc. I just can't get the mileage out of music that I see other people do... For example, I like the Four Seasons song "you're just to good to be true", (which has absolutely disappeared from "classic" top 40 formats so we can hear more 90s crap).

I would not want to put it on an Mp3 stick because eventually it would be ruined for me. Now when I hear it, "organically" its more like a treat. Now expand that to pretty much every song I like. Yet I just got done listening to a particular Saturday night radio show that's all 60s/70s R&B. (Stylistics, EWF, Dramatics, stuff like that). Part of the enjoyment is not knowing what's coming next. That's what I enjoy about "good" radio (that and the obviously drunk callers who vote during the battle-of-the-bands).

What really worked best were the books on tape. I moved past just the story-books and into a lot of historical accounts, true crime, classics, etc. But that's not so good for 35 minute commutes.

Which I suppose is the niche "free" talk radio fills.
I can't disagree with much of what you said. But I've also had satellite in two cars (free subscriptions with purchase, lol) and while the song play list is somewhat expanded from FM radio; not much. Before long you realize it's just the same songs over and over. I can't imagine paying for that, or dragging a bunch of hardware (or a boombox) from car-to-car-to-garage, etc. I just can't get the mileage out of music that I see other people do... For example, I like the Four Seasons song "you're just to good to be true", (which has absolutely disappeared from "classic" top 40 formats so we can hear more 90s crap).

I would not want to put it on an Mp3 stick because eventually it would be ruined for me. Now when I hear it, "organically" its more like a treat. Now expand that to pretty much every song I like. Yet I just got done listening to a particular Saturday night radio show that's all 60s/70s R&B. (Stylistics, EWF, Dramatics, stuff like that). Part of the enjoyment is not knowing what's coming next. That's what I enjoy about "good" radio (that and the obviously drunk callers who vote during the battle-of-the-bands).

What really worked best were the books on tape. I moved past just the story-books and into a lot of historical accounts, true crime, classics, etc. But that's not so good for 35 minute commutes.

Which I suppose is the niche "free" talk radio fills.

Yes, there is a song list and if you are listening long enough, it does repeat. I just switch stations about that time and I'm happy. My favorite station is the "Underground Garage" and they have an eclectic range of rock music covering everything from the fifties to now. I'll switch off to 50's, 60's or classic rock type stations and even toss in some country. In a nod to my first wife's family that got me listening to bluegrass, even some of that once in a while. I never get bored with it.

The switching is simple. I have a player that is the size of my phone. Both the players I have are the same and each car has the same cradle hardwired in. The garage setup is the same except for the antenna and it's played through an older Onkyo receiver that used to do living room duty. The 300 has a pretty trick setup. Cradle in the console to a graphic equalizer feeding a powered sub amp and a 4 channel amplifier.

Easy switching... Pull the player out of one and stick it in the other. No boombox or any of that Mickey Mouse crap.

"Books on tape"... I can't listen to them. I enjoy them and have tried them a few times. The problem is they put me to sleep way too easy.
Talk radio, whats that? We used to have a great radio station in the Chicago area, WCFL. They went to the talk radio format years ago, I don't even have a preset for that station anymore. GIVE ME MUSIC, OR GIVE ME DEATH.
I am on the road all day, most days. I travel New England and found that constantly searching for a station to come in that I wanted to listen too was a constant part of my day. I got sirius XM and very seldom turn on AM/FM anymore.
I still do listen to talk radio once in a while. Never Hannity, Glenn Beck or anyone that tells me I'm not capable of understanding the point he's trying to make. There is a Boston based talker, Howie Carr that is most usually fun to listen too. Good humor and pretty uninsulting to most listeners.
I ran across a station out of LA while on a jobsite searching on line for another station on Satellite Patriot Channel. Been hooked on it now for a couple years. Can't think of the call letters at the moment. Clark Howard is on the first hour i get to work then a couple of LA guys, Armstrong and Getty, come on till Rush takes over at noon Michigan time. That's when i dig out my itunes. Clark Howard's kinda milkytoast and often wrong but A & G are pretty funny and are common sense independants when it comes to politics. Not cheerleaders for anyone.
Most all Detroit radio, newspapers and tv news suck. I try to avoid political talk radio or tv anymore. They're either "preaching to the choir" or getting you wound-up for what? Can't do anything till the next election.
In the car i'm listening to satellite radio oldies, classical, Boston Pops, even the light jazz elevater music channel.
Only talk radio i enjoy is sports talk on a slow news day.

I haven't listened to any radio since i upgraded to a h.u. with a usb plug in i have a 128gb stick and right now i'm in 357 hrs of 700 hrs of hearts of space
Only talk radio i enjoy is sports talk on a slow news day.

I haven't listened to any radio since i upgraded to a h.u. with a usb plug in i have a 128gb stick and right now i'm in 357 hrs of 700 hrs of hearts of space

What is hu and what is hearts of space?
I listened to Stern for over 20 years, I just cant devote that much time anymore

I was a Stern listener/fan for many years on terrestrial radio and for my days having Sirius Satellite. I don't know if I could do it anymore. I've heard his show has become pretty PC now, but that's just what I've heard others say.