Thought I needed a new sending unit for my 66 windsor


Active Member
Jan 13, 2023
Reaction score
Chilliwack BC
Took the tank to the rad shop to get boiled and coated. I was gonna try to save the sending unit but I think the resistor is shot.
I see some on rock auto but they dont quite match.
Any advice please?

the tank has 2 vent outlets too if that counts.


Don't toss that send unit just yet. I would throw it in a evap-o-rust bath to clean the rust off. Then check the rheostat with an ohm meter to see if the readings are around 10 ohms full and 75 ohms empty. If so, I would put on a new float and filter sock and put it back to work.
If you can't make it work again, you will have to get a new one but they don't always work the way they should since the rheostat don't seem to be of a very good quality. Another thing to check, if you get a new send unit, make sure the lock ring is as thick as your old one. The China junk ones are thinner and will not seal up properly. Keep the lock ring too.
Took the tank to the rad shop to get boiled and coated. I was gonna try to save the sending unit but I think the resistor is shot.
I see some on rock auto but they dont quite match.
Any advice please?

the tank has 2 vent outlets too if that counts.


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If you end up replacing that sender, call Quiery Quality Design. They have a high-quality unit with a sturdy ring and gasket. I installed one on my '66 300 convertible.
Quirey Quality Design Co.
I let it sit in white vinegar overnight and gave it a light rub with a toothbrush.
It actually looks not bad. I paid more attention to the insulators for the rheostat and removed any bridging.
Its saying 100ohm and 59ohms I'm gonna let it soak some more.

So maybe a sock and float? mine was full of fuel

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It has to be 10 ohms at "full" position.

Personally, I think you're wasting your time. If it's that corroded, the coil and wiper is going to be trashed too.
Ok it now looks really good to me.
The ohms are 7.8 full and 53 empty
I cant believe how well that cleaned up.IMG_3175.JPGIMG_3176.JPGIMG_3177.JPGIMG_3178.JPGIMG_3179.JPGIMG_3180.JPGIMG_3181.JPGIMG_3182.JPGIMG_3183.JPG
I'm wondering about the filters.
This one had 2 layers. I wonder what replacement will have?
My sending unit was starting to flash rust I spayed some oil on it for now.







These are images of the car with the tank out. I used rust converter and then red oxide primer and some flat black.
I just wanted to do "something" but not restoring the car.
Next is the tank and last is the hell I went thru trying to put that filler tube in it would only go it at a certain angle and I had lots of fun there.
But its in and holding fuel, guage works.
All the metal is solid its just blasted with undercoat and then it looks like someone drove it in mud so it looks horrible.
I just dont have to means to clean it right up to bare metal and paint.