Old Man with a Hat
Keep in mind the difference between climate and weather. All the snow and cold weather in part of the country hasn't made up for the unusual warm weather in the rest of the country. Alaska almost didn't have enough snow for the Ididarod; we're crazy hot here. Also, keep in mind that this winter hasn't actually been that cold, as an average thing, even on the storm-hit east coast. Not nearly the coldest on record.
And don't forget the record high temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere. You know, the part of the world that is tilted towards the sun right now?
All due respect ...Its been friggin cold here. Mark and I had this discussion a few months back. He said it was one of the coldest, I said, I dont think so. Fast forward another two months of continuous sub 20 degree temps with SOOO many days it didnt get to 10. Ice breakers in the Great Lakes and on the Eastern rivers. The Hudson has frozen over in an area over a foot thick for those freaks with the skating boats to go out on. . . . . . . You dont wanna think its cold? Thats an easy assumption coming from San Diego