Tomorrow's Weather

Keep in mind the difference between climate and weather. All the snow and cold weather in part of the country hasn't made up for the unusual warm weather in the rest of the country. Alaska almost didn't have enough snow for the Ididarod; we're crazy hot here. Also, keep in mind that this winter hasn't actually been that cold, as an average thing, even on the storm-hit east coast. Not nearly the coldest on record.

And don't forget the record high temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere. You know, the part of the world that is tilted towards the sun right now?

All due respect ...Its been friggin cold here. Mark and I had this discussion a few months back. He said it was one of the coldest, I said, I dont think so. Fast forward another two months of continuous sub 20 degree temps with SOOO many days it didnt get to 10. Ice breakers in the Great Lakes and on the Eastern rivers. The Hudson has frozen over in an area over a foot thick for those freaks with the skating boats to go out on. . . . . . . You dont wanna think its cold? Thats an easy assumption coming from San Diego
It got up in the 40's for the past two days. Still a lot of snow on the ground and the roads are still white with salt.

This happened in front of the house a few nights ago...

YUP !!!!! It's been a real cold one !!!!!!!!


across the pond: Here in europe it was one of the mildest winters ever. One half day with a few snow flakes in the morning which melted till lunch. That was it with snow this winter. Despite that: unusual warm weather, no salt on the roads and temperatures in the 70s last weekend (usually these are temperatures for may overhere).
This is not a good thing either as now you'll be looking over your shoulder waiting for the other shoe to fall.
Just grabbed this picture at work from the 4th floor.

BTW, on the far left is a high school where the factory that built Franklin cars used to be.
At this point I would have jumped.

I'd go up to the 5th floor and then the roof.

From the other side of the building, looking out on the other parking lot.

They used to build Porter-Cable/Rockwell power tools here. Before that, it was a GM Guide plant and before that it was Brown-Lipe transmissions.
Wind is kicking up nice got home abt 45 mins ago. There are 2 things I would not want to be doing tonight: driving a tractor trailer and trying to land a plane
All due respect ...Its been friggin cold here. Mark and I had this discussion a few months back. He said it was one of the coldest, I said, I dont think so. Fast forward another two months of continuous sub 20 degree temps with SOOO many days it didnt get to 10. Ice breakers in the Great Lakes and on the Eastern rivers. The Hudson has frozen over in an area over a foot thick for those freaks with the skating boats to go out on. . . . . . . You dont wanna think its cold? Thats an easy assumption coming from San Diego

Oh, I think it's cold, but your comment about San Diego is kind of my point. I didn't make any reply to the people who were saying it's cold. As you said, I don't have much to say about that, except that we're already under water restrictions, so this summer is going to suck. Who I did reply to were the ones whose comments implied global warming denial. And I stand by that rebuttal. The National Weather Service says January in the contiguous US was .1 degree lower than average. It doesn't count Alaska, which was significantly warmer than average. Or the rest of the globe.

But a lot of you guys have had a really tough winter, and I don't envy or minimize it.
Oh, I think it's cold, but your comment about San Diego is kind of my point. I didn't make any reply to the people who were saying it's cold. As you said, I don't have much to say about that, except that we're already under water restrictions, so this summer is going to suck. Who I did reply to were the ones whose comments implied global warming denial. And I stand by that rebuttal. The National Weather Service says January in the contiguous US was .1 degree lower than average. It doesn't count Alaska, which was significantly warmer than average. Or the rest of the globe.

But a lot of you guys have had a really tough winter, and I don't envy or minimize it.

So. . . I guess this is why the Global Warming crowd has amended their language and are now talking about "Climate Change." I don't think they or anyone else, including Big Al, have the slightest clue . . .
The climate has been changing since Day argument there, the argument comes where they make an assertion they cannot prove. We have been taking records for only a drop of time in the length of Earth's history so to say the climate has never changed to this extent in this time frame simply cannot be proven. The Greenland Remote Ice Project data showed several periods of warming followed by a sharp decline to much colder temps, often in 2 decades or less. This occurred at times when it was not possible for man to have an impact, so to say that any change in climate is due to man's activities needs to be proven and to my knowledge it cannot be, at least not yet.

And when they say that the answer is more govt control of our lives, well.........this coming from a govt that has gotten us into 17 trill+ of debt, so it is very easy to see the skepticism that they know what they are doing and have the right intentions.

For those in the car hobby, global warming is your enemy..........awhile ago in Cali they had a bill passed that allowed for the destruction of pre-1971 cars, they bought up more than 2400 (at my last count) and sent them to the crusher.

this is a good read:
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California is its own worst enemy I haven't lived there since 1989 but I don't think they have changed much. Instead of embracing the classic cars and selling a permenant plate for x amount and limiting mileage they broad stroke it with get these cars out of here. Now they don't want you to bring your pre 2008 big truck into thier state because it does not idle clean. If you have a apu that is not ca idle approved you can't run it but you can idle a 800+ cubic inch engine because it is approved, which equates to 1-1 1/2 gallon per hour compared to about 1/2a gallon with apu,