This is exactly the information I was looking for with regard to the cause of converter drain back, Thanks!
My leak may or may not be caused by drain back but in order to understand which path I need to take I need to understand what the root cause of drain back is.
One thing I have not mentioned is that my transmission cooler is mounted 12+ inches higher than the center line of the input shaft of the transmission. I also remeasured my cooler and it is 22" x 18". I just want to make sure that the weight of fluid in the cooler and the supporting lines coupled with the possibility of drain back are not creating an over fill situation that is over powering the front seal.
You also mentioned a drain plug on the converter. My understanding is that the drain plug was not present from the factory. I thought that drain plugs were added by reman or rebuild folks to fully drain and flush converters. I always thought that this caused an out of balance condition for the converter however minor. Please correct me if I am wrong.
You may be correct that the front seal is at issue but I am now on my 3rd seal ( each a different brand). Any recommendations on a quality brand of seal?