Funny you should ask that..........
Yes there's a TV across the train tracks and on into town. It is LITERALLY situated in an old barn. The guy who ran/owned it kept it like a "country store" type of place....every Christmas he'd put up H/O & O trains on a big table inside the store, big ol Christmas trees with lights and presents, on Halloween he turned it into a haunted barn (but you could still buy stuff), had Thanksgiving turkey give aways, and on July 4th covered the place with American flgs top to bottom. There was ALWAYS someone nearby to help you out if you needed it, and he was ALWAYS there. He has the walls plastered with pictures of little league baseball teams he sponsored, and sold grain feed and other "farming" stuff behind the store where the train tracks ran through the woods.
Well, went in there the other day and it was completely changed. He's gone, I guess he sold the place and I don't recognize anyone in there, now the inside looks like a small version of a big box store......3 or 4 cash register isles, before there was just one big huge counter at the barn doors that you could lean on an talk with people. The train table is gone (gonna miss that), real bright lights everywhere, advertisements on the walls (where the baseball team pics were) get the picture. Anyways it was a shock to go in and see the place was gutted and reconfigured like that...totally wasn't expecting it. and all they had were carraige bolts and nuts...but I think they were still setting up merchandise so that might change. Guess I'm just sad to see the change knowing that it'll never be the same again.