That yard in Pa. waz Don's Holding Pen for ALL hiz toyz 'til He and Kathy moved to Mena in the Mid-'80s. He moved "104" carz to that mountain and left 'bout 80 more in the Pa. yard. Haywire, Just picture transporting that many carz to Mena from ah bit north of Philadelphia and then having to ONE AT AH TIME 'UM ALL up on the mountain on hiz up 'n down driveway to the FIVE 40'X100' Pole Barnz he had built and waiting for 'um. Waz the Log Cabin still standing where they lived while they were building Raspberry Manor? Sorry Haywire, no pix from me only a lotta great memories. I flew into KCK to hook up with another Great Car-Bud in the spring of '90 and we went on ah week long junket. Jimmy Ray and I took hiz '78 Lil' Red on that Junket from Topeka, to Tulsa, to Mena, to Little Rock, and up to Springfield, and then back to Hiz and Patty's place in Topeka. Don, J.R., and I made the 28 mile pilgrimage to the Water Hole I mentioned earlier that waz in the two states the 1st nite we stayed in Mena(at my suggestion, having been there before) I got to ride in the Arm Rest both wayz with J.R. Driving and Don Riding Shotgun. I laugh now, but that trip back to Mena from the State Line that nite I almost wet myself. To say J.R. had ah heavy right foot with or without beer waz ah gross under statement. Hiz D.D. back then waz a twin turbo GT3000 only because the Stealth specked out the same way cost over 5K more? Go figger? J.R had to make another trip to Little Rock 'bout a month after we were there and on the way back to Topeka just ah bit south of Branson in the Ozarks he got Nailed and they wouldn't let him mail the fine back. That ticket had to be paid IN PERSON so J.R. had to make yet another trip to Arkansas just to thank the Magistrate in person, lol. My Pecker Fingerz are starting to cramp up Haywire and I can't stop laughin' so later for now, Jer