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Where did you find that? Any idea where to get the fuzzy balls?

Anybody ordering this steering wheel probably was born with them already.
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They'll make anything you want in China.

Hop Sing is standing by waiting for you to call.....


There used to be a set of snowtires in all blue available in Europe around 1973 from Metzeler for a short time, they had to draw them from the market due to problems with safety and durability.
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There used to be a set of snowtires in all blue available in Europe around 1973 from Metzeler for a short time, they had to draw them from the market due to problems with safety and durability.

The Lean Burn Technologies Test Center (Chinese Gulag Branch) has copied an approved tire from Mexico.
Stone cold sober. Skipped 5 o'clock Happy Hour today.
You do know Ive taken you under my wing determined to show you the light, don't you?
Just trying to show you that if you don't change, you'll turn out like me. I'm trying to save you, son.

Posted via Topify using Android
I think Clint was way better in the spaghetti westerns (the Good, Bad, & Ugly....) with Eli Wallach and Lee Van Cleef. The end of The GBU in the cemetery is classic.
I like pretty much everything Eastwood has done. You do know why they are called spaghetti westerns, right?
Just checking, you've proven to not be up on some things from before you were born.
No proof he was not using google before. :)