Very Nice Formal


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
Waddell AZ
I've probably posted this one before as it has been for sale for a long time but I thought it was worthy of another look. I just love the look of the brown leather.


Beautiful car! ok, I know its a factory steering wheel, but is it factory installed, dealer or owner?

That tan top sets it apart!
Nice but a strange vent windows, no T&T, leather, road wheels.

Nice car at $4000.

ATC II..........I would pass on this one.
You...... get over there with the cheap guys

If this car was as clean as your Dad's might be worth close to his asking price. This is just a desert survivor and not loaded with options.
Cool, thanks for the info, also for the uneducated (like me) how are you able to tell if it has ATC II? Ive blown up the pic and wondering how to tell NYB...
The control panel for ATC II says "Air Temp" on the right side of the panel and has numbers on it 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 etc. The manual A/C control panel has Max A/C, A/C, Heat, Defrost, etc. You can also tell by looking under the hood (not shown on this ad)...both systems have slightly different parts.
If this car was as clean as your Dad's might be worth close to his asking price. This is just a desert survivor and not loaded with options.

I understand your point Bob however some of us would rather have less options or even " the right" options.
A solid car with no rust, straight metal and good paint is worth the extra coin to me. Obviously a color one prefers also plays a part.
I'm no formal guy but from what I can see its close to worth it
Alright what it T&T? I know it will be a easy answer and I will feel like a wanker, sorry my new favorite word. Lol