Vintage car Registries


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Northern California
I go to this Edsel registry once in a while to contribute vins of of parts cars I come across.
It's kinda fun and simple. You can post a pic and leave some info on options,location,condition,etc.
Are there any registries for C body cars?
I wouldn't mind starting one for 61 plymouths.
Or are registries a thing of the past?
Seems like many of the earlier registries existed to help owners network with each other to their mutual benefit? Plus the other issue of knowing how many were left, too? Not unlike a national car club roster list.

Then it seemed, sometimes in the '80s, that an era of paranoia hit such that owners became fearful of people knowing what they had, lest thefts of cars/parts happen. So things tended to become quieter in that respect.

In some respects, knowing what's where can benefit the vehicle hobby, even it's for a parts car situation. Periodic updates would be important, too. Perhaps any Chrysler Corp related registries could be linked from a sticky on Joey's forums?

Just some thoughts,
Heck, I’ve been at car shows where cars were stolen right off the show field or the motel lot afterward. Carlisle?
I’ve thought about starting a registry or 2 and then I think about all the stuff that I already don’t have time for....
There is one on the Imperial Mailing List, it had a geographic distribution, and was kinda cool...……