Lance (the Destroyer) is a best bud of mine down here. A real hard core Chrysler guy. Always had a couple of them. Well he used to be until his wife left him, found a whacko G/F (who also left him) and his mind got all effed up. Shame. He knew every P/N from the 63/64 Chryslers.
But I digress, as a kid, he lived across the road from a junk yard. Instead of playing ball and getting into trouble with the other kids, he spent his childhood in the junkyard. He developed the ability to strip a car in one day to its bare carcass with just a monkey wrench and a screwdriver. Makes a living selling off all that crap. The problem is, being an Ace of Spades on stripping a car, he cant put one back together to save his life. I've seen him take one clunker after another and ruin it while trying to "fix it up a little to sell". Hence, his title, "Lance the Destroyer" He's a real character. Part KY hillybilly, part Cuban. Ever meet a Cuban Hillbilly?? Hysterical.