Wacky fuel guage


Well-Known Member
FCBO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2023
Reaction score
Cartersville VA 23027
My fuel gauge won't go past half when I fill my 69 300. Hot and ground all test good. I pulled float and grounded it on tank and moved the float by hand and gauge read from empty to full as it should. Put it back in tank and it won't go past half when full. When gauge reads empty I can only add 12 gals. Pulled float apart and checked for loose contacts or burns. Nothing wrong. Reinstalled 3rd time and still have same issue. Any one have or had similar problem?
You will need to calibrate the sender to the guage.
Alot of the repop fuel senders read off right out of the box
Hrre is a link to installing the Meter Match.
Easyvto do and worth every penny
hope this helps.
Gas Gauge Fix
Ah, you might have diagnosed your main issue! A new sender whose swing arm might not be correctly bent to work with the factory gauge! While the resistor part of the sending unit works correctly, the arm holding the float is not making the "full travel" it needs to so the gauge reads correctly . . . or more close to correct.

What you might do is look around on eBay for a new sender which is Chrysler NOS for your car. The sender will probably be laying on a surface for display to the potential buyer. Look to see if the kinks in the swing arm are close to matching the swing arm on your sender. If not, you might modify yours to more closely match the Chrysler NOS sender?

Just some thoughts,
Pull the sender and check the range with a meter.
A minor bend will make big difference if needed.
