Watch your belongings

We as a society have gotten to believe the police prevent crimes. They don't, they investigate crime. We need to figure out how to take our property back and get the thieves to really ponder about something's worth before they go after it. Most of that stuff isn't worth pain and suffering.
Hey don't ya all know that being a Thieving Junkie is no longer a crime?
It's not their fault since O'Bammy Care decided that being a junkie is a "Pre-Existing Condition".

Oh poor little junkie, we feel so sorry for you, (they are human beings after all).

Let's leave a unlocked bicycle leaning up against a tree somewhere and see how long it stays there, Let's leave your wallet full of cash & credit cards on the front seat of a unlocked car and see what happens. Secure your stuff when not in use, keep it outta sight, outta mind, that is the best prevention from theft!!!