Senior Member
I wonder if any of this has to do with the well announced F15 fly over in the Boston area today. They were announcing for a few days now that they were going to do a promotional fly over for the air National Guard.
Five F-15 fighter jets from the Barnes Air National Guard Base in Westfield flew at low altitudes over several Eastern Massachusetts locations.
The exercise got off to a late start, and people who ventured outside for a look at the jets were kept waiting for nearly 30 minutes.
The Massachusetts National Guard had released a statement listing the locations:
“At approximately 8:10 a.m., five F-15 Eagle fighter jets will make low passes beginning at Hanscom Air Force Base, Salem, Boston, Fenway Park, Norwood, Gillette Stadium, Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard ending at about 8:45 a.m. as part of a planned training and media mission,” said Lt. Col. James Sahady, spokesman for the Massachusetts National Guard.
Some people who waited for the exercise captured images of the fast-moving formation, and shared them on social media: