Welcome CaliFury to FCBO!


New Member
FCBO Gold Member
Oct 6, 2021
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Purchased a 66 Fury III Convertible and interested to learn more about it, and importantly how to fix it!

Location: Sacramento, CA
Welcome! Where is Sac Town? I grew up in South Sac and attended Burbank High. Years ago of course!
Welcome! Where is Sac Town? I grew up in South Sac and attended Burbank High. Years ago of course!
My wife teaches in south sac, close to Burbank!

Yeah, I'm pretty excited about the car. She runs and drives, but has a rod knock, so rebuild or new crate is around the corner.


I do not. Just purchased about 4mo ago. Just saw a thread on of where to look for the sure-grip tag. So I will look for that once it stops raining here.

Also Is there a code on the axle housing somewhere that may give me a clue to the axle rario?
Sometimes there is a metal tag attached to the carrier bolts that will tell you. You can jack the one wheel up put it in neutral, turn the tire one revolution and count the numbers times the drive shaft turns and the math will tell you but I don't know the formula
Congratulations on your cool car!
My '71 Sport Fury also lived in Sacramento until 2014 ...