well, this totally F&%$-ing ruined my gawdamn F&%$-ing day...

Same as we have up here in BC. People move here, get there citizenship, then bring over their sick and infirmed relatives, and because they have a relative who's a citizen, they get all the free medical and social care they possibly want. There is a few other factors that I'm not familiar with, but it ain't being a Canadian citizen, and paying into the system for at least 3 years....I know that. I know it's very frustrating.
I paid into this stuff ALL my life, risked my life, never committed a crime, and this is how I am rewarded. F%&$ -ing scumbag trash pieces of **** stealing my hard earned benefits.
Time to start breaking bad, gobble up everything I can possibly lie, cheat, and steal for and sy F%$# You very much all you scumbags.
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Yes, the democratic party is very guilty with that. Convicted and jailed felons, illegals with fake id's, dead people, people voting twice.....they don't play square because they can't.
Ummm they've been eligible for at least 20 years. They have had to merely prove they paid in with their fake identity. Not really new news.
Apples and horse shoes.
They were doing something illegal.
This MotherF$%#$r just made it legal.
WTF else is next?

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What you have is a system that is running out of money, fast. You know how a Ponzi Scheme works, SS is the same. The money everyone pays in, is not for the future. Nothing has been invested. The only options that are available, if you think about it, is to raise the SS tax (which is next), lower the benefits, or let the immigrants pay in. There is no money to pay benefits, soon. Remember that half of the US does not work anyways.
How can you be mad about people paying in? I think you might want to re-read the article. And, these are people who want to work and pay taxes. What's wrong with that?
F%$# the money.
They shouldn't be here in the first place. They are F&%$-ing illegal.
You know what illegal is, right? Not legal. Enn oh.
Keep America free of illegal immigrants.
They do not belong here.
But rather than spend money to keep them out, they're inviting them in to collect money.
So why can't we do both?
Because it's a conflict of financial interest.
Who is going to be the real winner?
American Corporations as they hire Mexicans here at minimum wage and don't have to move to Mexico.

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F%$# the money.
They shouldn't be here in the first place. They are F&%$-ing illegal.
You know what illegal is, right? Not legal. Enn oh.
Keep America free of illegal immigrants.
They do not belong here.
But rather than spend money to keep them out, they're inviting them in to collect money.
So why can't we do both?
Because it's a conflict of financial interest.
Who is going to be the real winner?
American Corporations as they hire Mexicans here at minimum wage and don't have to move to Mexico.

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You know the difference between breaking a criminal law and breaking a civil law right?

And no not all corporations but also private businesses hire illegals. We worked with them.in my in laws business. Hire as a sub so you don't have to **** with the employment verification bs.
