well, this totally F&%$-ing ruined my gawdamn F&%$-ing day...

He probably did go to school.... in Mexico, and that is why he is here now.

Take my word for it you can go all the way through to high school, as in the Philippines, and still be nowhere. One because you really don't learn much and two there isn't much out there for you after graduation anyways.
Then why are 75% of the doctors and nurses you see now were born in countries like the Philippines, Mexico, etc.
BS. I ain't buying it.

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Mr. Obama, your Obamacare is like a cash cow .
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Why does one human being deserve more opportunity than another?
People who jump fences/swim/hide in cars or get here via other nefarious means are illegal because of a law they broke coming here. Nothing else matters after that. If I robbed a wealthy banker and gave the money to a very poor person, does that justify the act of stealing? No. It just makes me a criminal. And what about all those who DID come here legally? They probably feel like complete assess now. What Obama just did is akin to opening a flood gate and yelling come on in and forget about our laws I'll take care of that for you.

Oh and this nonsense about the everyone being here illegally except for indians (Obama stated as much a few days ago) is a load of b.s. also.
I won't support any man made laws that suppresses human rights.
Then why are 75% of the doctors and nurses you see now were born in countries like the Philippines, Mexico, etc.
BS. I ain't buying it.

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Mr. Obama, your Obamacare is like a cash cow .

The schools that educated them are substantially easier. I remember different friends that wanted to be a Doc talking about going out of the country when they had admission problems (due to gpa/activities). Only a very small percentage are nurses from out of the country.
Ross, you spout all these personal philosophical rants about pulling oneself up by their bootstraps, making one's own opportunities, taking adversity and turning it into opportunity, blah, blah, blah. I did all that and consider myself successful in life and I did it through my own godamn perseverance and hard work. I never got something for nothing. Ever. I did it legally and within the system. No Fuxknig POS sneaking in and abusing the loopholes mostly illegally has the right to dip into my nest egg. When YOU,YOURSELF, get to the point in your life where you achieve a comfortable place in life that you yourself put into place because you know your body can't keep up the mad and exhausting pace forever, and then you see what YOU deserve being divied up to people who didn't do 1/10 as much, YOU, YOURSELF, will finally wake up.

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Your rant has to do with welfare reform, not immigration. Please don't dump the two together.

Again, anybody who wants to come here and WORK is welcome by me.
Then why are 75% of the doctors and nurses you see now were born in countries like the Philippines, Mexico, etc.
BS. I ain't buying it.

Posted via Topify on Android

Mr. Obama, your Obamacare is like a cash cow .

Since I am in the medical field this one is easy. There aren't any doctors even here in California who are Mexican or Filipino. I can look down the entire list of doctors working in Northern California Kaiser, where white male caucasians are rare, and you see Indian, Chinese, Iranian and Ukranian. Second, very few of them were educated outside the United States as I pay attention to that very closely. That means they went to school in the U.S. their entire life or at least college and then medical school. I have had at least a half dozen patients who have gone on to medicine with one white, two Chinese, three Indian and all born here.

Granted there are some who did their studies abroad in their home country before taking the very tough licensing exams here. Being very tough means no one from the Philippines can pass them. I have seen their schools first hand and their doctors are only qualified to be nurses over here. I'm sure Mexico is not any different except for the elites and being elites means most of them don't have to work anyway.

Now when it comes to nurses I'm sure they didn't sneak across the border. The requirements for nurses aren't all that easy and neither are the licensing tests. Are there lots of Filipino nurses in California? Yes, but most are not at the RN level. More likely the CNA level if from out of the country. My wife is a CNA who did her training here luckily. One thing about Filipina nurses is their compassionate nature when compared to many caucasian nurses. Their entire culture is like that along with respect shown the elderly so they actually make wonderful nurses. Right now my wife is watching an 88 year old father of one of my female patients as I write this.

So to sum up:

1. No doctor or nurse here is an illegal not with the tests, personal information and background checks.

2. Since my wife is a legal immigrant for whom I filed all the paperwork and paid the fees I am dead set against illegal immigration. Get in line and do the paperwork like my wife did.

3. I am also realistic enough to know one can't round up 11 million already here. The only agency that could do that was disbanded 70 years ago and they were called the Gestapo. So we might as well figure out some way to integrate all those here especially those with U.S. children. Deport those who have any kind of criminal record and from this day forward, say Dec. 1st, anybody coming across illegally is to be immediately deported as the window is now closed for good.
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When YOU, yourself, have broken your *** all your life, and you have gotten to where you need to be, AND, then you see politicians and corporations start dipping into YOUR hard earned nest egg and start giving YOUR money away to others, then you WILL change your philosophy 180°.
You are dillusional if you think opportunity is infinite. It is not as you get older and older.
RE: the union.
I deliberately gave up a gazillion opportunities over my lifetime and CHOSE to remain in the union be cause at 21 I had the foresight to look ahead to when I could no longer work. The Teamsters unified us peons with no voice and allowed us to stand up to corporate greed.

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