What A Shame

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Old Man with a Hat
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
Waddell AZ
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That it was allowed to turn into this.

that's going to be a very ambitious resto

I'll go down my my guy in Gettysburg and buy one of his 300 or desoto rags, at least they've been indoors for the last few decades
Ouch!! The resto would cost well over 100K I bet. 100K if you were a do it yourselfer.
I wonder how many parts you could find.....it needs virtually the entire interior, a ton of sheet metal, all bright work redone and polished, engine, txsm, axle rebuild. I would say it'll take at least $100k to fix her right.
No Bob, I think what I listed could be done for 'bout 10K. I don't dispute the 100K to do it all and that number might very well be a little conservative. Theirz probably another 10K in gages, dash and bright work all together in the interior. Then we can work up a number to re-do the door skinz, And the Sweadez are recasting the steering wheel but it waz $895 exchange the last time I checked and theirz one guy in this entire country that they funnel every thing thru'! Then we could start on the stainless that'z attached to the glass before we go on to the out side and under hood and drive train. Oh BTW, the same guy that the sweadez have their steering wheel thing going with also iz marketing the new air cleaner coverz the Sweedez are re-popping, Round or oval your choice 'bout $650 ah set. I'm gettin'tired now and my artheritic pecker fingerz are killin' me. Later, Jer
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