There are 2 flat-rates. The first being Warranty and the other being Customer-Pay. Warranty is what the car manufacturer will pay in terms of time for the job. Or if the repair shop that did a repair offers a warranty on the repair. The Customer-Pay is the time customer pays when not under manufacturer warranty. The flat-rate is the time the technician gets to do the repair and in the case of Customer-Pay the time you the customer pays for the repair. Do the repair in less time than the flat-rate and you profit. Do it in more time you lose. Customer-Pay is usually a lot more time compared to Warranty. (Example from memory: Evaporator on a 90 Ford Taurus. Warranty 2 hrs, Customer-Pay 10hrs. To replace an evap in a Taurus you need to pull the dash. That doesn't include replacing any other parts, evac or recharge of the system. Total hrs can be upwards of 4 hrs Warranty and 13 hrs Customer-Pay. I was able to do the full job (evac, recharge, o-rings, drier, evap) in about 3 hrs. Keep in mind that while doing the evac/vac I could be doing other things. Being a auto tech is a feast or famine type job. When there is work you do well. When there isn't you don't. If there is no work you don't get any pay. Most are paid a dollar amount per flat-rate hr. Shop charges $60 flat-rate/hr, tech may get $17hr.
way more than you needed to know. But in terms of does that type of manual help you. No it does not. If you want one for nostalgia go for it.
Customer-Pay is usually a lot more time compared to Warranty.