What'cha think?


Old Man with a Hat
Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central Oklahoma
I'm currently restoring the '66 wheel covers. They are seven separate parts and weigh about 180 pounds each...OK, maybe eight. Anyway, for the Memorial Day car show today, I wasn't too hip on showing it with the bare painted wheels. So, on went these Moon covers I've had for a few years. They don't look bad, IMO! Definitely not a permanent thing, though!

I'll just say that I'm glad you are restoring the original wheel covers.

One other editorial comment on Imperials overall:
I find Imperials never look good with aftermarket wheel treatments of any kind...I've seen the use of other year Imperial wheel covers or Mopar wheels, like road wheels on 74/75, and that seems to be the only thing that works on them.

Just my 10 cents...
I'd love to find a set of Kelsey-Hayes wire wheels for this. Anyone? That's the only other wheel that looks right on an Imperial of this vintage. Plus, finding a 5-on-5-1/2" wheel that doesn't look like a pimp wheel is impossible.
One flew off on the way to the show, so they'll never be a permanent thing!

Overheard from lookers:

-Does this have a 318?
-You get like 5 mpg with this?
-Is that an Impala? (While looking at the trunk call-out!)
-Nice Plymouth!

More fun that anyone deserves!
Since one of them flew off on the way there, I removed the other three before heading home. I started getting hot, so I left early. Great turnout! I had the only big Mopar there.

One flew off on the way to the show, so they'll never be a permanent thing!

Overheard from lookers:

-Does this have a 318?
-You get like 5 mpg with this?
-Is that an Impala? (While looking at the trunk call-out!)
-Nice Plymouth!

More fun that anyone deserves!
By observation, some people feel like "experts" and MUST make some comment to confirm that to their friends. Which results in those "educated-sounding" comments that are completely incorrect.

In the 1980s, at the cruise-ins our Mopar club members went to, some teens would come up to a 426HEMI car and go "WOW! What engine is that?" to which we would reply "It's a Canadian 318" with a straight face. The teen would replay "WOW! Never had seen one of those" as he walked off in amazement, as we looked at each other and snickered. So "Canadian 318" came to be one of our code words for "426HEMI". For the record, we were in North Texas and not Canada.

Steel wheels look good!
It's a shame there are no center caps for the large Imperial bolt pattern. With that and trim rings, you'd have a large Rallye-style Mopar wheel assembly.

I guess a guy could 3-D print a set. Interesting idea, IMO
I'm currently restoring the '66 wheel covers. They are seven separate parts and weigh about 180 pounds each...OK, maybe eight. Anyway, for the Memorial Day car show today, I wasn't too hip on showing it with the bare painted wheels. So, on went these Moon covers I've had for a few years. They don't look bad, IMO! Definitely not a permanent thing, though!

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I'm restoring my 67 caps. I had them polished and am now painting them. Taping them off is a pain. I got super wide tape and use a drawing compass to cut curves. We'll see.
I'll use a term the kids use these days......keep it "orige". I'm not a fan of customizing cars, I prefer them as they came from the factory.

The guys who designed these American cars (Elwood Engel, Virgil Exner, Harley Earl, Bill Mitchell, Ned Nichols, Larry Shinoda, Dick Teague, Bunkie, Brooks Stevens, et. al.) were the cream of the crop in their field. I would not presume to think that little-old-me could do ANYTHING to improve on their designs. I honor their brilliance (with my cars) by making sure they stay as close to original as possible.

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