Whats the one purchase you have always regreted?

I am with Big John, and Matt on this, buying my first wife's ring and saying "I DO". Woman has been giving me hell for 40 years, (if only she would die).
First car I regret is the 2001 Chevy Silverado I bought for my daughter, and son in law. God what a piece of junk.
Traded our '66 Riv. for a '68 Wildcat in '68 because we couldn't afford the $1000 cost of ah complete exhaust system on the Riv. Riv. waz the best car I ever owned, ALMOST. '02 300M Special holdz that title. The Wildcat waz the worst by ah mile. Wife and I both hated that POS
I'm fishing for some stories here. What is the one purchase that you always look back on and say, "why the hell did I buy that?". Cars or otherwise, monetary loss does not have to be the base of the regret either.

Every once and a while I play video games. Three or four years ago, I purchased an Xbox One. I played it a solid amount as I had more time on my hands. Fast forward to Black Friday 2018, I found a special edition of my system on sale (essentially the same thing with some marginal upgrades) and decided to pick it up. Almost immediately, I regretted buying the system and the seller didn't have a "cancel order" option. I would have to pay $30 to ship the system back for a refund and decided I would have a better chance selling it on craigslist. After a couple weeks of lowballs and trade offers for old iphones I finally just hooked up the system and "enjoyed" the marginal upgrades. I ended up giving my old Xbox to a buddy who is now really happy with it so I guess my story has a happy ending.

A few years ago, we purchased a matched pair of pedestal-mounted LG washer and dryer appliances. Paid a lotta money for them. Total pieces of krap. LED displays on both machines died almost immediately. Washer broke its shocks and walks out across the floor every time we use it. The dryer has become very noisy and sounds like its on its last legs.
1976 AMC Matador wagon (identical to the picture attached)...the color was definitely indicative of it's reliability! It was a nice driving vehicle when it was on the road, but it cost me so much in repairs every month, that after 10 months of ownership I figured I could afford a car payment, so it was sold & a brand new 1982 Dodge Ramcharger was ordered that we kept until 1988 when our 3 sons outgrew it!


1982 Dodge Ramcharger.jpg
1976 AMC Matador wagon (identical to the picture attached)...the color was definitely indicative of it's reliability! It was a nice driving vehicle when it was on the road, but it cost me so much in repairs every month, that after 10 months of ownership I figured I could afford a car payment, so it was sold & a brand new 1982 Dodge Ramcharger was ordered that we kept until 1988 when our 3 sons outgrew it!

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I came back from overseas and traded my 68 Mercury Cyclone for 1973 Vega, that car lasted less than a year, traded that car for a 1974 Mustang, THAT car lasted less than a year, I was on a roll, bought a 1975 Ford station wagon, That was an ok car.
Ex wife aside, the worst car I ever owned and regretted buying was a '78 Grand Prix. I think everything broke on that car at the worst possible moments. Broke a ball joint, rear wheel cylinders, transmission.. Stupid stuff.

It contributed to one of the worst days of my life in 1984. We were coming home from my brother's funeral and the engine decided, without any warning, to blow. I was doing about 45mph at the time. Crankshaft broke in half and broke all the main caps off.

I hated that car and apparently, it hated me too.
The worst purchase I made was a 1984 Mercury Cougar. I sold it after 6 months and in just a couple of weeks it blew a head gasket. The woman that bought it wanted her money back. Didn't happen...

I bought a 22 revolver that I really didn't care for very much. To be honest though it has grown on me a lot in the last year... so maybe not such a bad purchase..
I bought a Buick Wagon in 1979 and loved it so in 1985 when my wife decided she wanted a car of her own we bought an 1985 Buick Wagon almost identical to our 1979. However, the '79 had a 403 V8 but the '85 only a 350. On a trip through the mountains the '85 was like driving a tank. My wife liked for city trips so we only drove the 79 on long trips. Turned out the '85 had some kind of experimental, limited production "anti lock" master cylinder which decided to die in early 1993. The only source for repair was the GM dealer and he wanted $5,000. So we traded the wagon for a brand new 1993 Taurus with an aluminum V6. This was my wife's baby and she pampered the hell out it. Unfortunately the V6 had problems and all upto 1992 were recalled. My daughter was driving into the mountains, just after the warranty expired, and the engine seized. The bottom end was full of sludge and the main bearings were completely stripped. Maintenance wasn't an issue, the car came with free oil and filters for life so the car was always serviced by the selling dealer. We had the motor fixed and I sold the damn thing. I gave my wife the '79 wagon and I bought a '95 Crown Vic.
Should never have bought that '85 wagon and I should never have bought that '93 Taurus. This bad purchase decision was both expensived and a PITA.

Then there was the computerized BBQ that reused to work properly from day one. I talked myself into this one and I'm still suffering 10 years later. I should dump it on CL and buy a new one but I'm a glutton for punishment and too cheap to walk way from it. It is pretty BBQ, a lot like blonde bimbos, great to look at but can't cook worth a damn!

BBQ 1.jpg
Ex wife aside, the worst car I ever owned and regretted buying was a '78 Grand Prix. I think everything broke on that car at the worst possible moments. Broke a ball joint, rear wheel cylinders, transmission.. Stupid stuff.

It contributed to one of the worst days of my life in 1984. We were coming home from my brother's funeral and the engine decided, without any warning, to blow. I was doing about 45mph at the time. Crankshaft broke in half and broke all the main caps off.

I hated that car and apparently, it hated me too.
In 2006 we bought a pair of brand new 10k BTU room air conditioners. They were Fedders, which is/was Maytag so, we figured they'd be pretty good quality, based on the way they brag. What we didn't notice until we got them home was that they were made in China. Anyway, these were the "through the wall" mounting type. You cut the holes, install the sleeves, weatherstrip and slide the units in place. The weatherstripping kit was an absolute joke. I had to come up with something much better on my own. It was already getting late in the summer when I installed them so, they only got used maybe four hours a day for about a week. The first time I turned them on, I noticed that the compressor in one of them didn't start. Only the fan came on. After waiting a minute or so, I turned it off and tried it again. This time the compressor did start, but made a loud hum. The other unit started immediately when turned on, but sounded like there was a bucket of ball bearings rolling around in it. I noticed that neither unit could be started in the "Medium" or "High" position. They had to be started in "Low" or they would trip the circuit breaker. Each unit was on it's own dedicated circuit breaker.

Moving ahead to the next summer. The first hot day when I try to turn them on, the one in the living room comes on, fan only just like before. Then the compressor tries to start, makes a loud hum, but doesn't get going and trips the circuit breaker. I go reset the breaker, try again and same thing and I had remembered to start them on "Low", but that wasn't even helping now. The other unit started right up, but rattled away like it was full of loose ball bearings, as usual. Being that both units were still on warranty, I called up a local A/C guy. He came out, looked at them and said they both needed compressors!
Neither one of them had been in use for more than a total of 10 days.

A few days later he came back and installed the new compressors. The one for the master bedroom area wasn't so noisy and seemed to work fine after that, but the one in the living room still seemed hard to start and now it wasn't cooling very well at all. So, I called him back. He took it apart, checked a couple things and said it had lost most of it's refrigerant. He replace something, recharged it, turned it on and it had some effort starting the compressor. He put one of those start assist kits in it and that seems to have fixed it. From that day on that unit has been known as "the air conditioner from hell".

Yes, they are still here and they still do work, but I hardly ever use them. I'll usually just leave the windows open and use a portable fan, unless the heat is in the high 90s. Then I'll use the A/C, but every time I turn them on I find myself wondering if this is the time they will break down.

I wish we hadn't bothered with them. We had to cut holes in the walls. The exterior siding can't be matched so, to get rid of the holes means new siding on the home. The units themselves have to be covered for winter, but even then I think they let some cold in. If they have to be replaced, the new unit will have to fit the existing sleeve or the wall will have to be butchered again to fit a new sleeve in. They really haven't been used much in 13 years and I don't consider them reliable.

Other regrets or disappointments? A used snowblower. A JVC vcr that lasted 8 months and then turned into a clock. A Realistic car cassette player that became known as the "tape disposal unit". A few other items. No cars made the list.